By Chris Moheno
While baseball has always been considered America's pastime, our youth was starting to see it is not so glamorous but compared to other major sports. That has changed recently as power numbers continue to soar and we see more and more baseball players becoming prominent members of our communities. That being the case, once again the interest in baseball has risen and everyone wants to be the next home run king. The way to achieve that of course is through better baseball hitting.
One thing that has been very noticeable in recent times is the lack of fundamentals and the young players coming up. We are seeing all different types of stances and swings as our children try to emulate the professional baseball players they see on TV. While we of course want them to establish their identity, there are still fundamentals that they need to adhere to. The job of the coach is to make these fundamentals enjoyable and interesting so that the developing player uses them for the rest of their lives. That of course means bending the rules a little bit as to the way that we were traditionally taught baseball.
When the forty-something generation was growing up, there was no option as to how you swung a bat or stood in the batter's box. You did it one way and that was the way the coach wanted you to. Every stance and swing were cookie-cutter products of how the coach perceived the game to be taught. In order to be successful today, the coach needs to be a little bit more willing to work the style of swing the player wants into their coaching techniques. This is by no means to say they should abandon basic fundamentals, quite the opposite. You are just trying to allow them some type of identity and implement the fundamentals of baseball hitting into their style.
When coaching a young player, you have to make it fun for them to try new things out. They obviously love the game at that stage and you need to continue the enthusiasm. Introducing them to new drills will help with that. Trying out new stances, different approaches and unique drills will enable them to keep a fresh look and heightened interest in the art of hitting. One thing remains consistent though, hard work is the only way to achieve the desired result.
We've all heard the saying that there is nothing harder to do in sports than to hit a ball moving at 90 miles an hour with a round object, the baseball bat. If that is true, then coaching the art of hitting a baseball is no simpler. The coach needs to put in just as much work as a student. One of the tougher aspects of the coaching job is to again realize that each and every student has her own personality that needs to be adapted to. You can have all the knowledge in the world but the inability to capture their interests will result in failure.
One of the early keys to success in coaching hitting is to try and not change the players hitting style too quickly. There is obviously a reason they're swing that way and you need to find out. If you start making radical changes immediately will have no idea why they started hitting the way that they did. Take the time and learn how they develop their style and you'll have a better idea of how to coach them.
When implementing changes into a player swing and stance, make sure they're comfortable with these changes. If the player is not like them or doesn't feel comfortable they will end up going back to what they were doing prior and this is not good for anyone. It will lead to frustration for both the player and the coach. Always get ample feedback when making any type of change their swing.
Patience is also a huge factor in successful coaching. You may be dealing with a hitter who has established habits over years and years. The changes you are trying to implement are not going to take place overnight. As a coach, you need to realize that and gradually work these changes into their swing. A helpful tool during this process is video. There is nothing like visual feedback to help make your point. You can take the progress of their swing throughout the coaching process and have daily or weekly video sessions with the player to show them exactly what you're working on and how they are becoming a better athlete.
While we are stressing the aspect of allowing the player to have their own identity, keep in mind that basic fundamentals are still the same. If you're faced with a player who is flat out fundamentally unsound, these issues need to be addressed immediately. However, it will have to be approached in a manner so that they understand that implementing the basic fundamentals of baseball heading into their swing will immediately result in positive results.
Every successful baseball hitting instructor should have a set of drills that there are continuously fine-tuning. Drills are just that, daily and structures that are meant to bring the fundamentals home in a sound matter. You cannot coach properly without having these trolls in place and making them enjoyable for your players. Better baseball hitting is a continuously evolving process. Both the coach and player must work together and work hard in order for this endeavor to become successful.
Chris Moheno has a long time passion for sports in general and for baseball coaching more specifically.
His goal is to spread the word about effective non-fluff baseball training techniques for both more experienced and young baseball players, to help them perform better during the game.
Discover more about baseball training secrets on
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Shop for your baseball coaching needs including baseball training aids, training videos, and other coaching supplies. Check out the Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting machine by SKLZ at
See the “Original” Rotational Hitting Machine at Are you looking for the perfect trainer to teach proper timing and swing mechanics? You can stop looking and go to
Players develop incredible bat speed and confidence when they regularly use the Quick Swing Trainer. See it at See the world’s most advanced batting tee at
Are you looking for a great batting cage at discount prices? Are you considering building your own backyard batting cage and training center? If so, you should visit now!
Welcome to the BatAction Baseball Training Blog
The BatAction Blog presents baseball batting training tips, baseball hitting drills, and other information to help Bat Action owners produce unbelievable results from working out on the BatAction Baseball Trainer. Baseball coaches, players and parents will find this information very interesting and extremely useful. The Regular posts include new and innovative training drills and techniques to increase bat speed, improve power, improve hitting skill, and increase batter confidence.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
How to Get Your Star Baseball Player Noticed?

By Jack D. Elliott
A question that often comes up from coaches and parents of a good high school baseball player is how can I get my son or star player noticed by scouts. This is a very good question when you consider how difficult it can be for great players to get attention from college coaches and scouts. For this reason, I have put together a list of tips that can help you increase the chances that your player will get noticed:
1. Have the kid go to a professional major league try out in your state soon. This provides some exposure and allows him to get tested in a control environment for running, arm speed, hitting, etc.
2. Start to build a videotape of his performance for next couple of years. These tapes can be consolidated and sent to college coaches and/or major league scouts.
3. Send a letter introducing the player to area scouts. The letter should include basic stats like name, address, height, weight, position, age, grade, high school team and summer league team. Some scouts frown on letters being sent to them and others don't mind it at all. For this reason, it is best to send a letter and take your chances.
4. Have the kid join the best all star and top level travel teams in the area. This is a way to get some additional exposure. Many players have been discovered when scouts were checking out another player.
5. Have him take lessons with top baseball instructors who have ties to the major leagues. These tend to be more in the big cities, but this can be another way to get exposure. The kid can follow-up with the instructor on how to get noticed and they may be able to open some doors for him.
6. Recommend the kid go to a "showcase" event. These are events that have the best players in an area play in several games. Scouts come to these games and watch the games. If he does well here, this gives him more exposure.
7. Get started immediately on promotion of this kid. Scouts start looking at kids at age 14 and 15 so you can definitely get started beginning with high school.
By applying these methods, you have a very good chance of getting your son or star player noticed. Remember every little bit helps and so try to take a comprehensive approach to these methods as that extra letter may make all the difference.
Jack Elliott, is a former player and fan of the game. To read more tips and techniques like the ones in this article, please click here: or Baseball Strategy
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Monday, September 28, 2009
The Baseball Swing - Rotational Hitting Explained
By Nate Barnett
It seems like baseball instruction in the area of hitting mechanics is splitting into two different camps. Rotational hitting vs. Linear hitting. If you're new to the baseball world, or are just unfamiliar with the new exciting terminology, let me offer some explanation.
Rotational Hitting
The purpose of the baseball swing is to transfer the most energy into the baseball as possible. In order to get the most energy created, there are specific parts of the body that need to move at the correct time in order for this energy to occur.
A rotational approach offers that the energy used in creating a powerful baseball swing stems from the back side of the body, and more specifically the lower half of the back side. The controlled chain reaction that happens when the back side is moved at precisely the correct time toward the pitch is quite powerful. On the flip side, incorrect timing of the back knee and hip will produce a sluggish bat.
A rotational approach to hitting uses the follow steps to a good baseball swing:
1. A good weight shift to the back leg from the stance position as a hitter is preparing to hit. Make sure that this weight shift is not purely horizontal in motion, since this will create an imbalance.
2. The next step is the trigger. This is the most important movement that separates a rotational hitter from a linear hitter. The triggering process should begin with the back knee turning and moving towards the pitcher (as apposed to simply spinning in place). The back hip will quickly follow the back knee in the rotation process. Lastly, the hands will begin to enter into the hitting zone. It's important that the hands do not begin the swing since the power is stemming from the back knee and hip. Early hand movement would negate any effort to use energy from the back side of the hitter's body.
3. As the bat enters the zone, one will begin to see signs that a rotational approach has been utilized. The common tell tale signs are the balance points. The easiest to explain in writing is that upon contact with the pitch there will be vertical alignment with the inside shoulder joint, the back hip, and the back knee joint. This alignment shows that balance is retained and no weight has shifted forward onto the front foot (more of a linear style).
As an aside, rotational hitting is used by most major colleges and a vast majority of Major League hitters. It provide balance and power to the baseball swing.
Nate Barnett is owner of BMI Baseball designed to improve the mental game of baseball in athletes. Learn how to help your game by improving the skill of mental baseball
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Check out for all of your coaching and training equipment needs. Visit the Baseball Dealz Ebay Super Store to purchase top quality baseball training equipment at discount prices.
Visit the Baseball Coaching Digest for daily post and articles on every aspect of coaching baseball. The Baseball Coaching Digest Blog. Check out the Bat Action Hitting Machine baseball pitching simulator. This high speed training machine is 100% Guaranteed to raise Batting Averages and has a full year warranty.
It seems like baseball instruction in the area of hitting mechanics is splitting into two different camps. Rotational hitting vs. Linear hitting. If you're new to the baseball world, or are just unfamiliar with the new exciting terminology, let me offer some explanation.
Rotational Hitting
The purpose of the baseball swing is to transfer the most energy into the baseball as possible. In order to get the most energy created, there are specific parts of the body that need to move at the correct time in order for this energy to occur.
A rotational approach offers that the energy used in creating a powerful baseball swing stems from the back side of the body, and more specifically the lower half of the back side. The controlled chain reaction that happens when the back side is moved at precisely the correct time toward the pitch is quite powerful. On the flip side, incorrect timing of the back knee and hip will produce a sluggish bat.
A rotational approach to hitting uses the follow steps to a good baseball swing:
1. A good weight shift to the back leg from the stance position as a hitter is preparing to hit. Make sure that this weight shift is not purely horizontal in motion, since this will create an imbalance.
2. The next step is the trigger. This is the most important movement that separates a rotational hitter from a linear hitter. The triggering process should begin with the back knee turning and moving towards the pitcher (as apposed to simply spinning in place). The back hip will quickly follow the back knee in the rotation process. Lastly, the hands will begin to enter into the hitting zone. It's important that the hands do not begin the swing since the power is stemming from the back knee and hip. Early hand movement would negate any effort to use energy from the back side of the hitter's body.
3. As the bat enters the zone, one will begin to see signs that a rotational approach has been utilized. The common tell tale signs are the balance points. The easiest to explain in writing is that upon contact with the pitch there will be vertical alignment with the inside shoulder joint, the back hip, and the back knee joint. This alignment shows that balance is retained and no weight has shifted forward onto the front foot (more of a linear style).
As an aside, rotational hitting is used by most major colleges and a vast majority of Major League hitters. It provide balance and power to the baseball swing.
Nate Barnett is owner of BMI Baseball designed to improve the mental game of baseball in athletes. Learn how to help your game by improving the skill of mental baseball
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Check out for all of your coaching and training equipment needs. Visit the Baseball Dealz Ebay Super Store to purchase top quality baseball training equipment at discount prices.
Visit the Baseball Coaching Digest for daily post and articles on every aspect of coaching baseball. The Baseball Coaching Digest Blog. Check out the Bat Action Hitting Machine baseball pitching simulator. This high speed training machine is 100% Guaranteed to raise Batting Averages and has a full year warranty.
Friday, September 25, 2009
3 Hitting Drills Guaranteed to Produce Hits
By Jack Perconte
When a player doesn't hit, frustration sets in for players and parents alike. Hitting can be a very difficult skill for parents and untrained coaches to figure out. The good news is that you don't have to know what is wrong as long as you know how to "fix it." Hitting in its most basic form comes down to doing three things - watching the ball, throwing the hands (bat) at the ball, and opening the hips. The following three drills will make these things happen and can prove a quick exit from the player's hitting slump.
1. Seeing the Ball Drill - In batting practice put an object like a ball glove or empty soda can at the front of the opposite side batter's box. After taking their swing, the hitter should keep their eyes on the placed object for a second or two before looking out to see where they hit the ball. This will prevent hitters from pulling their head out early on the pitch and help prevent them from over swinging.
2. Pad Drill - Place a pad like a sponge, towel or the player's glove under their lead armpit when taking batting practice. The hitter's goal is to keep the glove under the arm until contact and then allow the pad to fall out after making contact. This drill ensures that the hitter is using their hands and forearms to swing the bat in a compact, direct manner.
3. Back Knee Pick-up Drill - Have the hitter pick up their back leg with their back knee turning to point at the pitcher as they swing. This drill will force the hitter to use their front side to pull the bat initially as well as forcing the hitter to open their hips. Both of these forced moves with this drill promote contact, weight shift and power.
There are many hitting drills that can benefit a hitter and it is a good idea to continue with some of them throughout the season. Drills are the best way to develop good fundamentals whereas batting practice is good for the hitter's timing.
Finally, it is always best to challenge hitters during batting practice with game like speeds and speed changes. There is no speed that is too slow or too fast, within reason of course based on the age of the player. Remember, you don't need to know what is fundamentally wrong with a hitter's swing as long as you know how to fix it.
Former major league baseball player, Jack Perconte gives baseball hitting tips and batting practice advice for ballplayers of all ages. His baseball hitting lessons advice can be found at
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Shop for your baseball coaching needs including baseball training aids, training videos, and other coaching supplies. Check out the Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting machine by SKLZ at
See the “Original” Rotational Hitting Machine at Are you looking for the perfect trainer to teach proper timing and swing mechanics? You can stop looking and go to
Players develop incredible bat speed and confidence when they regularly use the Quick Swing Trainer. See it at See the world’s most advanced batting tee at
Are you looking for a great batting cage at discount prices? Are you considering building your own backyard batting cage and training center? If so, you should visit now!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The BatAction Batting Machine 20 Minute Workout

Daily Workout Sheet
A 20 Minute Hitting Workout using the BatAction Hitting Machine, by Nedco Sports, done 3 days a week is all a young baseball needs to improve bat speed and battings skills. The BatAction Machine is 100% Guaranteed to Improve Hitting Success!
BatAction Daily Workout
Drill..............Number of Swings
Hip Turner............10
Top Hand..............10
Inside Contact.......10
Middle Contact.......10
Away Contact........10
Hit & Bunt..............10
See & Hit Drill.........30
Total Swings..........100
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BatAction Trainer - 15 Reasons Why You Must Own This Machine
Message to Parents From Coach Nick
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Who Makes the Best Youth Baseball Bat? Find Out Here
By Brandon Bland
Many parents want to know what the best youth baseball bat is for their child. Although there are many different brands of bats I would recommend, there is one that has particularly stood out to me consistently as I hear parents talk. There was a kid in our local Little League that hit over 20 home runs with this bat this summer. The company is fairly new, and but they are starting to really make a name for themselves, especially in the youth bat market. You don't see or hear as many adult or college ballplayers using these bats, but they are the talk of the town in the youth leagues.
The company's name is called Combat. That's right, Combat. If you've been around the game of baseball for any length of time, you still may not have heard of this brand of bat. I remember back in my Little League days, it seemed that everyone had either had an Easton or a Louisville Slugger TPX bat. Occasionally you might see an old, rusty Worth. But there are so many new bats coming out on the market today, and I have to admit, some of them are giving Easton and Louisville a run for their money. Not that they don't continue to make quality bats today, because they certainly do. But many companies are producing bats that compete with the two legacy bat companies, and Combat is one of them.
Combat uses composite material technology. In fact they are known for being somewhat of the pioneers of the composite bat industry. Composite material consists of a fiberglass material mixed with a resin to bind it together. Composite bats are rivaling the standard aluminum alloy bats that you may have known up to this point in time. Most companies are offering a mixture of aluminum, composite, and some are even making hybrid models consisting of composite handles, and aluminum barrels. Combat is strictly 100% composite material.
I keep hearing stories of kids popping balls up and still hitting them off the outfield walls with these bats. I do get concerned that the performance of modern day's bats are getting a little bit too ridiculous. I'm a firm believer that the game should be decided between the pitcher and hitter, not a piece of equipment. But I cannot deny what I hear about the Combat bats. Kids that use them are getting results. So there you have it. If you want to know what seems to be a consensus about what the best youth baseball bat is, I would have to say it's Combat. Read more about Combat bats here.
Brandon Bland is the webmaster of Baseball Equipment Review, a site devoted to informing ballplayers of the quality of today's baseball equipment so they can make informed decisions about their purchases.
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Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Baseball Swing Secrets to Learning the Right Mechanics Quickly!
"Swing Smarter dot com and/or its affiliates don't represent or endorse the BatAction hitting machine, this article is to serve only for educational purposes."
By Joey Myers
The perfect baseball swing is like poetry in motion...watching Joe Mauer, Albert Pujols, Alex Rodriquez, or Manny Ramirez hit leaves anyone with an awe that is indescribable. They've taken hundreds of thousands of cuts to create such a beautiful swing with such devastating impact on pitchers.
But, do you really have that kind of time with:
The new season coming up?
A big tournament being a week from now? or maybe you
Have to get ready for a big scouting showcase?
What you need is to SUPER-learn the baseball swing, like, yesterday!
Well, this article will go into what it's going to take to do just that. Doing the following will not make your swing perfect , it never will be, but you'll be able to take the information from the Smart Hitting Tips tab on the navigation bar, do what's prescribed here, and have a helluva showing.
Most of the following tips are hard rooted in research based on state-of-the-art Neuroscience and Exercise Science practice & theory...
This isn't a get hits quick scheme either, and will take A LOT of work, 2,000+ reps a week to be exact, but you'll train your brain and body to harmonize, building to successful baseball swing execution.
Ready?? Hold your horses...First,
You must create a time-line...when do you want to accomplish this? In a week (recommended, at least)? or 2? A month? Decide that first, then move on to the following Steps...
STEP 1: Make Small Circles
Start off slow with one concept, two at most, a day and breakdown each and every movement by going in extremely slow motion. You're brain is like a record...the more you do a movement, the more the needle wears the grooves on the surface of the vinyl... the more reps you do, the deeper and more solid the grooves.
Be careful because it can also work against you, by doing the movement wrong, so start off slow the right way, then speed up.
STEP 2: Balancing Act
Using the Balance & Reach Drill a foot or two off the ground will cause your brain to engage more muscles to stabilize the whole body, and the more you engage the Central Nervous System, the more muscles get recruited, and the faster your body picks up the technique.
Also, doing regular swings on an unstable surface, like on a narrow cushiony weight bench, diving board, exercise bose ball, or with eyes closed, the better off you'll be in record time.
STEP 3: Reps Before Bed
Studies have shown going through the motions before bedtime helps to burn them into your brain better. It has to do with the Four Stages of REM Sleep ...major repairs, both physically and cerebrally, go on in the 3rd and 4th Stages of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. If you don't get to the last two stages, then your body doesn't repair itself, which leads us to the next Step...
STEP 4: Set Alarm for 4.5 Hours
In order to speed up the learning process for developing an effective baseball swing, you have to take advantage of two sets of REM sleep. Do your swing repetitions before bed, set your alarm clock for 4.5 hours, wake up and do more reps, then finish off your sleep or the next REM cycle.
What this does is complete one cycle of REM (all 4 stages), then reset your body (by waking up) for another round, deepening those grooves in the brain. By doing this you're 50% more likely to make "stick" the desired technique.
All this can be possible if you...
STEP 5: Do NOT Eat Carbohydrates Past 6pm
Eating enough Carbs to spike your insulin, anytime past 6pm will keep you from getting to Stage 3 & 4 of REM sleep. Our natural occurring human growth hormones (HGH) get released in those stages of sleep ONLY, to repair the body. To allow that to happen, we have to chill out on the Carbs after hours.
And most importantly for your baseball swing, not only will you not repair and heal, but learning is dampened and your immune system crashes.
Last but not least,
STEP 6: Hyper-Computing for Cadence
Once we get a handle on all of the above baseball swing hyper-learning points, now we can speed up our micro processors. By doing this, we train the Central Nervous system by speeding up our motion to get the proper tempo or cadence.
Key point: do NOT attempt this until you have a solid handle on the proper form and movement first.
Speeding up the process of a particular part of the swing helps to deepen the specific movement groove in the brain, so when you engage the correct tempo, the movement is more natural.
You have to exaggerate a technique (in this case, speeding up the cadence), to get the right motion.
This is also great training for combating fast tempo pitchers, who when you step in the batter's box and look up, the pitch is already on its way.
The bottom line about HYPER-learning the baseball swing?
For these 6 Steps to be effective, you have to take between 1,200 to 2,000 repetitions a week...the RIGHT reps. Remember, wearing grooves in your brain can work for OR against you. Keep in mind, with that amount of swings in a small time-frame, you're going to develop blisters and sore muscles. Try and work through them, but if it comes to the sacrifice of good form, then stop, let them heal, and get back on the horse.
To Hyper-Heal sore muscles, do what the Soviet athletes did in the 80-90's, ice the sore spots for 5 minutes, then plunge into a hot bath or spa for 15 minutes, and repeat the process a couple times. This sequence also helps your body release melatonin, which will aid in putting you to sleep.
For blisters, drain them, but don't cut away the whole dead skin blister layer for a couple days...put antibiotic ointment between the dead and raw skin, and cover with a band-aid & athletic tape. They also have blister spray skin toughener, which you may want to look burns like hell for a moment, but makes it so you can hit again with virtually no pain.
We hope you enjoyed this baseball swing article, remember we're always adding content, so please subscribe to the RSS feed, blog, and/or The Dugout Newsletter to stay up-to-date with the latest baseball hitting information.
My name is Joey Myers, and I played 18 total years of baseball finishing my career after my fourth year of college (2000-2003) as a Fresno State Bulldog (the 2008 College World Series Champions). I'm very grateful for the success I had at Bullard High School, and getting a scholarship to play at a Division I university, Fresno State, where I started 110 out of the 178 games I played, in the outfield. Now I devote most of my life to baseball swing coaching and personal fitness training. My websites are and
Article Source:
See the “Original” Rotational Hitting Machine at
By Joey Myers
The perfect baseball swing is like poetry in motion...watching Joe Mauer, Albert Pujols, Alex Rodriquez, or Manny Ramirez hit leaves anyone with an awe that is indescribable. They've taken hundreds of thousands of cuts to create such a beautiful swing with such devastating impact on pitchers.
But, do you really have that kind of time with:
The new season coming up?
A big tournament being a week from now? or maybe you
Have to get ready for a big scouting showcase?
What you need is to SUPER-learn the baseball swing, like, yesterday!
Well, this article will go into what it's going to take to do just that. Doing the following will not make your swing perfect , it never will be, but you'll be able to take the information from the Smart Hitting Tips tab on the navigation bar, do what's prescribed here, and have a helluva showing.
Most of the following tips are hard rooted in research based on state-of-the-art Neuroscience and Exercise Science practice & theory...
This isn't a get hits quick scheme either, and will take A LOT of work, 2,000+ reps a week to be exact, but you'll train your brain and body to harmonize, building to successful baseball swing execution.
Ready?? Hold your horses...First,
You must create a time-line...when do you want to accomplish this? In a week (recommended, at least)? or 2? A month? Decide that first, then move on to the following Steps...
STEP 1: Make Small Circles
Start off slow with one concept, two at most, a day and breakdown each and every movement by going in extremely slow motion. You're brain is like a record...the more you do a movement, the more the needle wears the grooves on the surface of the vinyl... the more reps you do, the deeper and more solid the grooves.
Be careful because it can also work against you, by doing the movement wrong, so start off slow the right way, then speed up.
STEP 2: Balancing Act
Using the Balance & Reach Drill a foot or two off the ground will cause your brain to engage more muscles to stabilize the whole body, and the more you engage the Central Nervous System, the more muscles get recruited, and the faster your body picks up the technique.
Also, doing regular swings on an unstable surface, like on a narrow cushiony weight bench, diving board, exercise bose ball, or with eyes closed, the better off you'll be in record time.
STEP 3: Reps Before Bed
Studies have shown going through the motions before bedtime helps to burn them into your brain better. It has to do with the Four Stages of REM Sleep ...major repairs, both physically and cerebrally, go on in the 3rd and 4th Stages of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. If you don't get to the last two stages, then your body doesn't repair itself, which leads us to the next Step...
STEP 4: Set Alarm for 4.5 Hours
In order to speed up the learning process for developing an effective baseball swing, you have to take advantage of two sets of REM sleep. Do your swing repetitions before bed, set your alarm clock for 4.5 hours, wake up and do more reps, then finish off your sleep or the next REM cycle.
What this does is complete one cycle of REM (all 4 stages), then reset your body (by waking up) for another round, deepening those grooves in the brain. By doing this you're 50% more likely to make "stick" the desired technique.
All this can be possible if you...
STEP 5: Do NOT Eat Carbohydrates Past 6pm
Eating enough Carbs to spike your insulin, anytime past 6pm will keep you from getting to Stage 3 & 4 of REM sleep. Our natural occurring human growth hormones (HGH) get released in those stages of sleep ONLY, to repair the body. To allow that to happen, we have to chill out on the Carbs after hours.
And most importantly for your baseball swing, not only will you not repair and heal, but learning is dampened and your immune system crashes.
Last but not least,
STEP 6: Hyper-Computing for Cadence
Once we get a handle on all of the above baseball swing hyper-learning points, now we can speed up our micro processors. By doing this, we train the Central Nervous system by speeding up our motion to get the proper tempo or cadence.
Key point: do NOT attempt this until you have a solid handle on the proper form and movement first.
Speeding up the process of a particular part of the swing helps to deepen the specific movement groove in the brain, so when you engage the correct tempo, the movement is more natural.
You have to exaggerate a technique (in this case, speeding up the cadence), to get the right motion.
This is also great training for combating fast tempo pitchers, who when you step in the batter's box and look up, the pitch is already on its way.
The bottom line about HYPER-learning the baseball swing?
For these 6 Steps to be effective, you have to take between 1,200 to 2,000 repetitions a week...the RIGHT reps. Remember, wearing grooves in your brain can work for OR against you. Keep in mind, with that amount of swings in a small time-frame, you're going to develop blisters and sore muscles. Try and work through them, but if it comes to the sacrifice of good form, then stop, let them heal, and get back on the horse.
To Hyper-Heal sore muscles, do what the Soviet athletes did in the 80-90's, ice the sore spots for 5 minutes, then plunge into a hot bath or spa for 15 minutes, and repeat the process a couple times. This sequence also helps your body release melatonin, which will aid in putting you to sleep.
For blisters, drain them, but don't cut away the whole dead skin blister layer for a couple days...put antibiotic ointment between the dead and raw skin, and cover with a band-aid & athletic tape. They also have blister spray skin toughener, which you may want to look burns like hell for a moment, but makes it so you can hit again with virtually no pain.
We hope you enjoyed this baseball swing article, remember we're always adding content, so please subscribe to the RSS feed, blog, and/or The Dugout Newsletter to stay up-to-date with the latest baseball hitting information.
My name is Joey Myers, and I played 18 total years of baseball finishing my career after my fourth year of college (2000-2003) as a Fresno State Bulldog (the 2008 College World Series Champions). I'm very grateful for the success I had at Bullard High School, and getting a scholarship to play at a Division I university, Fresno State, where I started 110 out of the 178 games I played, in the outfield. Now I devote most of my life to baseball swing coaching and personal fitness training. My websites are and
Article Source:
See the “Original” Rotational Hitting Machine at
Monday, September 21, 2009
Lightning Fast Bat Speed
By John Furia
How can I speed up my bat? I want to improve my power! For baseball players bat speed is a necessity! How do you acquire it if it does not come so naturally? The key is strength development in the lower body and trunk (core).
One of the key muscles in improving bat speed is a low back muscle called the Quadratus Lumborum. This muscle is critical in laterally flexing and rotating the spine and aids the obliques in further rotating the spine. The key word here is rotation! Once improved strength is gained in this area trunk rotation will improve drastically which then in turn develops greater bat speed.
It has most often been thought that superior bat speed is developed solely through efficient swing mechanics. I have found the trunk rotational strength component to be even more effective even with a poorly executed swing. So imagine the combination of mechanically sound swing mechanics in conjunction with superior targeted strength in the Quadratus Lumborum and surrounding trunk muscles. So how do you strengthen the Qadtratus Lumborum? One of the most effective strength exercises to improve Quadratus strength and function is the "Seated Good Morning" exercise.
Place a barbell in a squat rack. Deload the bar from a standing position. Have a bench with a height of about 24"-36" behind you depending on your height. With the bar sitting across the upper trapezius (not the top of the neck) sit on the very edge of the bench with your feet wide apart and your toes slightly pointed outward. Your grip on the barbell should be as wide as the bar will allow. From the seated position lower your trunk slowly to the floor. Head up, chest tall and with an arched low back bring your trunk as far as your body will allow forward. Range of motion will vary from individual to individual. Do not force range of motion and allow the motion to come on its own. After several exposures to the exercise range of motion and end range strength will improve enough so that you will end parallel to the floor. Rep range should be in the 6-10 range.
Try this exercise for about four to six weeks in conjunction with your lower body program. Exercises that work well with the seated good morning are barbell squats, front squats and trap bar dead lifts. With these movements you will see noticeable improvements in bat speed which will reap huge payback with gap power.
John Furia is the owner of Furia's Xceleration Strength & Conditioning located in Deer Park, New York. John is a highly sought-after Strength & Conditioning coach for healthy and injured athletes alike, he has helped athletes at all levels - from youth sports to the professional and Olympic Levels - achieve peak performance in a variety of sports.
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Shop for your baseball coaching needs including baseball training aids, training videos, and other coaching supplies. Check out the Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting machine by SKLZ at
See the “Original” Rotational Hitting Machine at Are you looking for the perfect trainer to teach proper timing and swing mechanics? You can stop looking and go to
Players develop incredible abt speed and confidence when they regularly use the Quick Swing Trainer. See it at See the world’s most advanced batting tee at
Are you looking for a great batting cage at discount prices? Are you considering building your own backyard batting cage and training center? If so, you should visit now!
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How can I speed up my bat? I want to improve my power! For baseball players bat speed is a necessity! How do you acquire it if it does not come so naturally? The key is strength development in the lower body and trunk (core).
One of the key muscles in improving bat speed is a low back muscle called the Quadratus Lumborum. This muscle is critical in laterally flexing and rotating the spine and aids the obliques in further rotating the spine. The key word here is rotation! Once improved strength is gained in this area trunk rotation will improve drastically which then in turn develops greater bat speed.
It has most often been thought that superior bat speed is developed solely through efficient swing mechanics. I have found the trunk rotational strength component to be even more effective even with a poorly executed swing. So imagine the combination of mechanically sound swing mechanics in conjunction with superior targeted strength in the Quadratus Lumborum and surrounding trunk muscles. So how do you strengthen the Qadtratus Lumborum? One of the most effective strength exercises to improve Quadratus strength and function is the "Seated Good Morning" exercise.
Place a barbell in a squat rack. Deload the bar from a standing position. Have a bench with a height of about 24"-36" behind you depending on your height. With the bar sitting across the upper trapezius (not the top of the neck) sit on the very edge of the bench with your feet wide apart and your toes slightly pointed outward. Your grip on the barbell should be as wide as the bar will allow. From the seated position lower your trunk slowly to the floor. Head up, chest tall and with an arched low back bring your trunk as far as your body will allow forward. Range of motion will vary from individual to individual. Do not force range of motion and allow the motion to come on its own. After several exposures to the exercise range of motion and end range strength will improve enough so that you will end parallel to the floor. Rep range should be in the 6-10 range.
Try this exercise for about four to six weeks in conjunction with your lower body program. Exercises that work well with the seated good morning are barbell squats, front squats and trap bar dead lifts. With these movements you will see noticeable improvements in bat speed which will reap huge payback with gap power.
John Furia is the owner of Furia's Xceleration Strength & Conditioning located in Deer Park, New York. John is a highly sought-after Strength & Conditioning coach for healthy and injured athletes alike, he has helped athletes at all levels - from youth sports to the professional and Olympic Levels - achieve peak performance in a variety of sports.
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Shop for your baseball coaching needs including baseball training aids, training videos, and other coaching supplies. Check out the Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting machine by SKLZ at
See the “Original” Rotational Hitting Machine at Are you looking for the perfect trainer to teach proper timing and swing mechanics? You can stop looking and go to
Players develop incredible abt speed and confidence when they regularly use the Quick Swing Trainer. See it at See the world’s most advanced batting tee at
Are you looking for a great batting cage at discount prices? Are you considering building your own backyard batting cage and training center? If so, you should visit now!
Check out our network of baseball blogs:
Blogger (Blogspot) - baseballcoachesdigest
Blogger (Blogspot) - baseballparentguide
Blogger (Blogspot) - baseballhomeworkhelp
Blogger (Blogspot) - batactionbaseballtraining
Blogger (Blogspot) - battingcagebuyingguide
Blogger (Blogspot) - coachesbest
Blogger (Blogspot) - teeballcoachingclinic
Blogger (Blogspot) - hurricanebaseballtrainingmachine
Blogger (Blogspot) - teeballparentsguide
Blogger (Blogspot) - youthbaseballcoachingclinic
Sunday, September 20, 2009
It Is Important To Know Your Strike Zone And Your Goal
By Sumit Bhatnagar
When the players swing at off speed pitches out of the strike zone, they definitely get into trouble.
If you want to be the best hitter, you ought to have command over the strike zone. You should have a clear idea of what pitches you want and where you want them.
Believe me or not, if you strengthen your command over the strike zone, batting average and on base percentage will dramatically increase automatically.
In short, if you want to reach the hall of fame, you should become ‘selectively aggressive’.
Another thing to be kept in mind is that you should have a clear idea of your goal.
You need not be intimidated. Let me tell you that even the best pitcher on this planet earth can not throw their off speed pitches in a great location for a strike consistently.
It is not possible that a pitcher’s curveball will be consistent outing after outing. Moreover, it is not necessary that the pitcher’s great curveball will be good everyday or un-hittable every time!
To conclude, being a hitter, your goal should be to have a good approach on the hittable curveball.
This is the only secret to become a master hitter. There is no shortcut to success. It does not come overnight. You need to practice regularly and do your homework sincerely. You should practice all the curveball drills well.
If you follow the right tips and techniques and gather all the solid information that the best hitters in the world have, you will definitely succeed.
It is not impossible to conquer the great curveball. It is just challenging! When you see a curveball, all you need to have is a good plan!
Baseball Betting - Recreation and Sports: Know more about your favorite sport!
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When the players swing at off speed pitches out of the strike zone, they definitely get into trouble.
If you want to be the best hitter, you ought to have command over the strike zone. You should have a clear idea of what pitches you want and where you want them.
Believe me or not, if you strengthen your command over the strike zone, batting average and on base percentage will dramatically increase automatically.
In short, if you want to reach the hall of fame, you should become ‘selectively aggressive’.
Another thing to be kept in mind is that you should have a clear idea of your goal.
You need not be intimidated. Let me tell you that even the best pitcher on this planet earth can not throw their off speed pitches in a great location for a strike consistently.
It is not possible that a pitcher’s curveball will be consistent outing after outing. Moreover, it is not necessary that the pitcher’s great curveball will be good everyday or un-hittable every time!
To conclude, being a hitter, your goal should be to have a good approach on the hittable curveball.
This is the only secret to become a master hitter. There is no shortcut to success. It does not come overnight. You need to practice regularly and do your homework sincerely. You should practice all the curveball drills well.
If you follow the right tips and techniques and gather all the solid information that the best hitters in the world have, you will definitely succeed.
It is not impossible to conquer the great curveball. It is just challenging! When you see a curveball, all you need to have is a good plan!
Baseball Betting - Recreation and Sports: Know more about your favorite sport!
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Friday, September 18, 2009
Coaching Baseball: What is the worst call you have ever seen an umpire make?
Here are actual answers received on the Baseball 2Day Coaching Journal's ( Coaches Survey
Championship Game, Winning run on second, pop fly to left center, left fielder juggled ball but caught it, runner on second tagged up and left when ball hit fielders glove, Umpire called runner out for leaving to early,(Umpire said fielder must have controll of ball before runner can tag up and run to next base) Game went to extra innings and we lost. (Umpire later admitted to making the wrong call)
With two outs, the batter hit the ball deep in the outfield, but missed first base. He ran to second and was headed to third when the first baseman called for the ball. The runner cut across the field to return to first base but the ball arrived first and he was tagged out. The umpire put the batter/runner on second and allowed the run from third to score even though the batter/runner was forced out at first base.
An umpire got didnt call time but blocked out my catcher while sweeping off the home plate. The runner from third scores. My pitcher couldnt throw to my catcher as the umpire was blocking him out. 12 year old Allstars.
A runner was trying to steal second base one night. The runner slid into second and the ump called him out before the slide. The ball was in centerfield at the time the runner slid into the base, we had to appeal the call to the home plate umpire who had no business making this call.
My team was in the field. A batter hit the ball to right field and the batter ran to 1st base, rounding the base, taking 2 to 3 steps toward 2nd base and stopped. The right fielder threw behind the batter to the first baseman and the batter was tagged out. The umpire called the batter safe because he stopped and was not making an attempt to run to 2nd base.
The batter swung at the ball that hit a foot in front of the plate and then hit him in the leg. The ump let the batter go to first base on a hit by pitch.
Actually it was lack of a call. With a runner on 3rd, the pitcher would go into his windup from the windup position and at the balance point, throw to 3rd base. An obvious balk but no call was made and I had 2 runners picked off (bad on me for the 2nd one - fool me once, etc.) The umpire told me he had umpired NCAA games and knew the rules. I, of course, disagreed.
Shop for your baseball coaching needs including baseball training aids, training videos, and other coaching supplies. Check out the Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting machine by SKLZ at
See the “Original” Rotational Hitting Machine at Are you looking for the perfect trainer to teach proper timing and swing mechanics? You can stop looking and go to
Players develop incredible abt speed and confidence when they regularly use the Quick Swing Trainer. See it at See the world’s most advanced batting tee at
Are you looking for a great batting cage at discount prices? Are you considering building your own backyard batting cage and training center? If so, you should visit now!
Championship Game, Winning run on second, pop fly to left center, left fielder juggled ball but caught it, runner on second tagged up and left when ball hit fielders glove, Umpire called runner out for leaving to early,(Umpire said fielder must have controll of ball before runner can tag up and run to next base) Game went to extra innings and we lost. (Umpire later admitted to making the wrong call)
With two outs, the batter hit the ball deep in the outfield, but missed first base. He ran to second and was headed to third when the first baseman called for the ball. The runner cut across the field to return to first base but the ball arrived first and he was tagged out. The umpire put the batter/runner on second and allowed the run from third to score even though the batter/runner was forced out at first base.
An umpire got didnt call time but blocked out my catcher while sweeping off the home plate. The runner from third scores. My pitcher couldnt throw to my catcher as the umpire was blocking him out. 12 year old Allstars.
A runner was trying to steal second base one night. The runner slid into second and the ump called him out before the slide. The ball was in centerfield at the time the runner slid into the base, we had to appeal the call to the home plate umpire who had no business making this call.
My team was in the field. A batter hit the ball to right field and the batter ran to 1st base, rounding the base, taking 2 to 3 steps toward 2nd base and stopped. The right fielder threw behind the batter to the first baseman and the batter was tagged out. The umpire called the batter safe because he stopped and was not making an attempt to run to 2nd base.
The batter swung at the ball that hit a foot in front of the plate and then hit him in the leg. The ump let the batter go to first base on a hit by pitch.
Actually it was lack of a call. With a runner on 3rd, the pitcher would go into his windup from the windup position and at the balance point, throw to 3rd base. An obvious balk but no call was made and I had 2 runners picked off (bad on me for the 2nd one - fool me once, etc.) The umpire told me he had umpired NCAA games and knew the rules. I, of course, disagreed.
Shop for your baseball coaching needs including baseball training aids, training videos, and other coaching supplies. Check out the Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting machine by SKLZ at
See the “Original” Rotational Hitting Machine at Are you looking for the perfect trainer to teach proper timing and swing mechanics? You can stop looking and go to
Players develop incredible abt speed and confidence when they regularly use the Quick Swing Trainer. See it at See the world’s most advanced batting tee at
Are you looking for a great batting cage at discount prices? Are you considering building your own backyard batting cage and training center? If so, you should visit now!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Here's Some Baseball Thoughts And Quotes For Youth Baseball Coaches And Players
By Chip Lemin
Here are baseball thoughts and some quotes that I thought all you youth baseball coaches would appreciate. There are far too many hot dog players and coaches in youth baseball today. I believe we must honor the game baseball by example. Most of it is just common sense and courtesy. I'm not giving you any secret formula to success. Let's behave like mature adults and remember we don't have a team full of future professional baseball players even though others may think otherwise.
Everyone on the team must be willing to trade sweat, effort, and sacrifice for success. When looking at yourself as a player, the critical. There are too many egotists among players today. Egotism is the anesthetic which deadens the pain of stupidity.
Success is costly. You must exchange something solid in yourself for success.
Concentrate on improving your weaknesses. It is more obvious than your strong points.
No player ever becomes a success by giving up. Keep trying.
If your coach criticizes you, it indicates that he is watching you, so appreciate that.
Never alibi. Excuses never win games.
Be confident. Say to yourself, I can I will, I must.
Be a good team player. Encourage your teammates and cooperate with them. They in turn will do the same.
Don't yell at the officials or umpires. They are seldom responsible for your success so don't blame them for your failure.
Your conduct, both on the field and off the field of, is a true test of you as an individual. It reflects your degree of dependability, responsibility, and the extent of your self sacrifice.
Here are some anonymous quotes...
If what you did yesterday still looks big to you, you haven't done much today.
The coach may not always be right, but he's always the coach.
When I won I thought I was lucky, but the harder I work, the luckier I got.
Every athlete has problems, the winners handle theirs.
The player who refuses to be beaten is tough to beat.
Not always a winner but never a loser.
If you know anyone who has always received a fair deal, get a witness- you're seeing a miracle.
Repetition is the mother of education.
I will get ready and perhaps my chance will come.
Enthusiasm is like a coat of paint- it covers up a lot of mistakes.
Little things make big things.
The surest way not to fail is be determined enough to succeed.
The player who does what he pleases is seldom pleased with what he does.
When a winner makes a mistake, he says I was wrong. One loser makes a mistake, he says, it was not my fault.
Hustle! You cannot survive without.
Enthusiasm and action will overcome fear.
The greatest key to success is a good attitude.
If You Think You are good, then why not be better. If you'd think you are better, then be the best.
Winning is not everything, but wanting to win is.
It takes a cool head to win a hot game.
I will leave you with this, it pertains to more than just baseball.
You can never get ahead of someone as long as you are trying to get even with them.
Thanks for your time, I hope these quotes, the ones without quotation marks around them, will help you get through this long winter waiting for baseball season start.
Thanks again, Coach Chip
Hello My name is Chip Lemin. I'm a long time youth baseball coach who loves to promote this great game of youth baseball. Promoting sportsmanship in this game of youth baseball is something that really needs I feel. I have a free course that will give you some solid coaching information along with great help on the inter-personal relationships we must have to be good youth baseball coaches.
Things such as parents, travel baseball, getting parents to help out, how to communicate better to parents and players, just to touch on a few. This course will help to organize practices like an elite coach. How to motivate players and other coaches with your positive attitude. It really is not very hard to be a great coach when you know what to do.Best of all you will learn how to have fun with these great kids that you have the privilege of coaching. Do yourself a favor and check it out, it's free,you will get 1 part every couple of days in your e-mail. Coaching can be fun and rewarding if you have a plan in place first, and you have an idea what you are doing. I would like to help you with that.
Sign up at
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Message to Baseball and Softball Parents
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Baseball: The Latest Greatest Hitting Training Device
By Todd Thomas
The latest, greatest training device for young hitters...
...may be EARPLUGS!
So many young hitters and even some of the not so young hitters are so confused at the plate. Why? They are hearing so many people in the ears telling them what to do and not to do mechanically WHILE AT THE PLATE. This is not the time or place to be working on mechanics. It's already hard enough for hitters to make the necessary adjustments needed to what the pitcher is throwing them without their head swimming with what every coach(and parent sometimes not even their own parent) within ear shot telling them what to do or not to do when in the box and when they swing. It's no wonder so many young hitters struggle not only with their swing, but even more tragically in most cases their confidence.
The problem is that most of the time they are hearing a variety of different cues: "swing down", "keep your elbow up", "don't dip your back shoulder", "keep your head down", "you're pulling your head out", "stay tall", "stay back", "swing level", "quit doing (this)", quit doing (that), (insert one you've heard or said here); ...and to add confusion to confidence destruction, some of the things they hear are physically contrary to each other even to actual physics itself. Have you ever tried to "stay back" AND "swing down"? Have you ever tried to "swing level" to a pitch at your knees?
What players should be hearing during game time situations and especially when they are actually at the plate are simple things like "look for something you can hit hard" or "make contact and put the ball in play". Before a player goes to the plate, I like the simple phrase "Don't try to do too much just look for a good pitch to hit and put a good swing on it." Save the intensive mechanical and technique instruction for practice and the cage. Another simple encouraging comment is simply, "Let's go! Make contact and put the ball in play". That's it. Tell them to do. More specifically, tell them what you want them to do, not what you don't want them to do. For example, "Hit the ball hard somewhere"... "Let's go! Hit a line drive"... "Hit the ball to the right side, let's move the runner"... "Drive one to the gap"... "Keep you focus on the ball and put the ball in play"... "Make contact"... "Drive this run in"... (insert your positive message of what you want them to do here)...
There's an old story of a pitcher in a tight situation that was facing a big hitter and his manager came to visit him on the mound. The manager didn't say much. He just said, "Whatever you do, DO NOT throw him anything on the inside half of the plate". The manager returned to the dugout. The first pitch... a fastball on the inside corner... Going, Going, GONE! Instead of planting the seed in that pitcher's mind of where he shouldn't throw the ball, wouldn't it have been better to say something like, "Keep the ball low and away on this guy. You can do it". I think so.
You would be surprised. A lot of young hitters have a very good natural swing and the ability to make on the fly adjustments to what the pitcher has thrown until some coach(es) and/or parents come and take it away from them with either bad hitting "instruction" cues or even good ones but at the wrong time. The problem with even the good ones(as far as mechanical or technique cues) is that the hitter is often hearing contradictory messages coming in the other ear. Now their head is swimming while confidence in what they can actually do is taking a nose dive.
The time to for a hitter to work on their hitting and their swing is at practice and in the cage. For those who think ONE practice a week and ONE trip to the cage a week is good, you should know that the best hitters in the world take batting practice and work on their technique every day! What does that tell you about hitting? It's HARD! Hitting a is a lifelong pursuit. It is something that must be constantly worked on with lots of repetition. Write down this simple phrase and put it somewhere that you see it everyday... Repetition Is The Mother Of Skill.
When it comes to actual instruction and the things we say to hitters or ask them to do, do we tell them why? If a hitter is given a piece of advice, tell them exactly why that is the best thing for them to do. We should show them, demonstrate, and explain why what we're showing them is proper and what they should expect from such technique? How about evidence? Do we show them visual evidence that what we are telling them to do is what the great hitters do? Show them a picture of Alex Rodriguez, Barry Bonds, or Derek Jeter doing what you are asking them to do. Show them. I can hear it already... "these kids are not ARod, they should not be trying be him or trying to do what he is doing. He's a home run hitter." First off.. why not? Secondly, okay then show them Derek Jeter. He's not a home run hitter. Derek has never hit more than 24 HRs in a season and he's only topped 20 HRs three times. He's just a career .317 hitter at the big league level. Show Derek. I guarantee you that Derek's and ARod's techniques are scary similar.
If you don't want your son/daughter/hitters to try to hit like the MLB hitters, that's okay. Show them some pictures of the best collegiate hitters or of the best high school hitters that you know. You might be surprised if you compared the best high school and collegiate hitters to the best big league hitters at what you might see. Similarities! OR... if you don't want to show them evidence of the best hitters at the high school and collegiate level, then show them evidence of average to below average hitters in their sport. It's up to you, but show them some visual evidence that what you are telling them to do is what is right.
I guarantee you kids are not stupid. They watch SportsCenter. Many have Tivo or some kind of DVR. They can stop, rewind, and slowmo. They can see the contradictions of what they often hear and what they are actually seeing the best hitters doing. Unfortunately, the highlights are almost always certainly the best hitters of the sport doing what they do. There aren't too many Highlights of the average or bad hitters so if that's what you want them to show them, you'll have to do that yourself.
Finally... Don't overreact to one at-bat or one game or even a few games for that matter. I doubt the Yankees hitting coach made any major changes to ARod's swing or approach when he struck out FOUR TIMES in one game last season(three of them LOOKING!). It happens. It ALL happens. Watch any big league game and you'll see it all... Strikeouts(swinging and looking)... Pop ups... Fly Balls... Ground Balls... Line Drives... Long Fly Balls.. Bloopers... Dribblers... Bleeders... Texas Leaguers...Home Runs!... Every hitter does all those things, save only for the home runs. Don't overreact or over coach, and in doing so you will give them a better chance to build confidence and succeed. Give or get them good instruction from someone who teaches what the best players at ever level are doing. An instructor's nice resume is just that. Nice. Check out what an instructor is teaching and as Mike Epstein says just ask yourself one simple question in regards to what a coach is telling them to do. And that is... "Does this make sense?"...
Bottom line... Give your young hitters a consistent, positive message about their technique and abilities.
Todd Thomas is a Baseball Coach and Professional Hitting Instructor for Mike Epstein Hitting. Coach Todd's personal hitting website is Coach Todd also enthusiastically endorses as a place where baseball and softball hitters can master the Confidence, Composure, Focus and Consistency of their game so they can reach their full potential.
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Shop for your baseball coaching needs including baseball training aids, training videos, and other coaching supplies. Check out the Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting machine by SKLZ at
See the “Original” Rotational Hitting Machine at Are you looking for the perfect trainer to teach proper timing and swing mechanics? You can stop looking and go to
Players develop incredible abt speed and confidence when they regularly use the Quick Swing Trainer. See it at See the world’s most advanced batting tee at
Are you looking for a great batting cage at discount prices? Are you considering building your own backyard batting cage and training center? If so, you should visit now!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
BatAction Hitting Machine being used to practice "Switch Hitting" skills
The video shows the BatAction Hitting Machine being used to practice "Switch Hitting" skills. The video shows a young and college age batter taking swings. The BatAction Machine is well known and respected as a backyard and team training machine. The BatAction is 100% Guaranteed to Improve batting skill and bat speed. Regular BatAction workouts have been known to increase batting averages from 100 to 300 points. It is recommended that players do the "20 Minute" BatAction batting practice workout at least 3 times a week.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Baseball Strength Training
By Kris Saelen
Baseball strength training and conditioning programs depend on the quality of coaching. The importance of coach is not negligible. If a coach is not well-experienced about baseball strength development, then it may lead to shoulder pain or shoulder injuries.
Normally, it is observed that more attention is paid on traditional body building and weight lifting methods. But in baseball, such traditional workouts create trouble and result in unpleasant incidents.
In baseball strength training and conditioning programs, care should be given in exercise selection. More concentration should be given on rotator cuff exercises. It should not be neglected in any case.
The best training and conditioning programs are divided into two categories. They suggest exercises for upper and lower body separately and consider the sensitivity of all organs. The purpose of the programs is to build strength and not to hold risks. This program teaches you better about risk handling.
The upper body exercises are carried out with low weight and lower body exercises with heavy weight. In traditional upper body exercises, push ups are more important. They strengthen the shoulder muscles and rotator cuff. Push ups are more preferable than bench presses. However, bench presses can also be done, yet it should be worked out with great care and concern. Only dumbbells should be used instead of heavy weights. Otherwise, injuries may occur.
Force, strength and speed are significant and vital when it comes to baseball. If the thrower is not able to throw the ball at high velocity then his participation in the team will be a question? In the same way, hitter should be able to hit the ball with extra force and power.
The basic and key purpose of baseball strength training program is to build confidence and also get protection from injuries. In training programs, any little things should not be neglected. Smalls things can make conspicuous difference and can improve your performance.
The major objective of every baseball player is to enhance and increase maximal strength in order to give power-packed hits. When better level of energy is produced, they of course help you in hitting the ball with complete strength. In this contest, bigger muscles are not important, instead stronger muscles are essential.
To enhance the maximal strengths, strength training programs should practice of plyometric exercises for both upper body and lower body. Kicking, jumping, quick changes in directions, sprinting are the most important exercises. Medicine ball exercises should also be incorporated in strength programs. It is a good idea and approach to gain strength, and further convert it into sport specific programs.
Baseball is a game in which sudden movements, reactions and variety of angles are involved. The players should have to respond with explosive power in accurate for achieving winning contest. Baseball strength training and conditioning programs should be developed, supervised and progressed by the experts of concerned field.
For more Baseball Articles visit: Baseball Equipment Store.
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Baseball strength training and conditioning programs depend on the quality of coaching. The importance of coach is not negligible. If a coach is not well-experienced about baseball strength development, then it may lead to shoulder pain or shoulder injuries.
Normally, it is observed that more attention is paid on traditional body building and weight lifting methods. But in baseball, such traditional workouts create trouble and result in unpleasant incidents.
In baseball strength training and conditioning programs, care should be given in exercise selection. More concentration should be given on rotator cuff exercises. It should not be neglected in any case.
The best training and conditioning programs are divided into two categories. They suggest exercises for upper and lower body separately and consider the sensitivity of all organs. The purpose of the programs is to build strength and not to hold risks. This program teaches you better about risk handling.
The upper body exercises are carried out with low weight and lower body exercises with heavy weight. In traditional upper body exercises, push ups are more important. They strengthen the shoulder muscles and rotator cuff. Push ups are more preferable than bench presses. However, bench presses can also be done, yet it should be worked out with great care and concern. Only dumbbells should be used instead of heavy weights. Otherwise, injuries may occur.
Force, strength and speed are significant and vital when it comes to baseball. If the thrower is not able to throw the ball at high velocity then his participation in the team will be a question? In the same way, hitter should be able to hit the ball with extra force and power.
The basic and key purpose of baseball strength training program is to build confidence and also get protection from injuries. In training programs, any little things should not be neglected. Smalls things can make conspicuous difference and can improve your performance.
The major objective of every baseball player is to enhance and increase maximal strength in order to give power-packed hits. When better level of energy is produced, they of course help you in hitting the ball with complete strength. In this contest, bigger muscles are not important, instead stronger muscles are essential.
To enhance the maximal strengths, strength training programs should practice of plyometric exercises for both upper body and lower body. Kicking, jumping, quick changes in directions, sprinting are the most important exercises. Medicine ball exercises should also be incorporated in strength programs. It is a good idea and approach to gain strength, and further convert it into sport specific programs.
Baseball is a game in which sudden movements, reactions and variety of angles are involved. The players should have to respond with explosive power in accurate for achieving winning contest. Baseball strength training and conditioning programs should be developed, supervised and progressed by the experts of concerned field.
For more Baseball Articles visit: Baseball Equipment Store.
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Friday, September 11, 2009
Improve Bat Speed Using the Secrets of the Pros
By Alan Bryan
Finding ways to improve bat speed will lead many people to some very strange methods. While there really is no secret that will magically improve bat speed, there are some unique and little known training tools that the pros have used for years to help them increase bat speed as much as ten miles per hour.
Likely, you have seen the basic wrist training techniques and other methods to help you bring the bat through the zone with more efficiency and more power. However, what you may not know is that too much muscle build up can actually slow down your swing. Some of the best techniques that professional players have used do not involve fancy training tools or heavier bats. In fact, ask most professional players and they will tell you using a donut or weighted bat will actually result in a slower swing.
One of the most effective ways to improve bat speed is to understand the proper way to grip the bat. The traditional fist on top of fist grip, as well as chocking up on a bat will result in slower bat speed. Grip the bat with your bottom hand below the knob of the bat, and allow that wrist to flick the bat through the swing zone. This action will improve your bat speed quickly. However, be sure to practice this swing, as learning how to do this and control that bat take some repetition.
There are many other simple technical changes you can make to your swing and your stance that will improve bat speed. Start thinking about feet placement, and how that relates to your hips opening up in your swing. The proper foot placement can allow your hips to open up quicker, which leads to a quicker bat.
There are some excellent ways to improve bat speed and increase your power. See the latest techniques and drills recommended by several professional scouts at
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Finding ways to improve bat speed will lead many people to some very strange methods. While there really is no secret that will magically improve bat speed, there are some unique and little known training tools that the pros have used for years to help them increase bat speed as much as ten miles per hour.
Likely, you have seen the basic wrist training techniques and other methods to help you bring the bat through the zone with more efficiency and more power. However, what you may not know is that too much muscle build up can actually slow down your swing. Some of the best techniques that professional players have used do not involve fancy training tools or heavier bats. In fact, ask most professional players and they will tell you using a donut or weighted bat will actually result in a slower swing.
One of the most effective ways to improve bat speed is to understand the proper way to grip the bat. The traditional fist on top of fist grip, as well as chocking up on a bat will result in slower bat speed. Grip the bat with your bottom hand below the knob of the bat, and allow that wrist to flick the bat through the swing zone. This action will improve your bat speed quickly. However, be sure to practice this swing, as learning how to do this and control that bat take some repetition.
There are many other simple technical changes you can make to your swing and your stance that will improve bat speed. Start thinking about feet placement, and how that relates to your hips opening up in your swing. The proper foot placement can allow your hips to open up quicker, which leads to a quicker bat.
There are some excellent ways to improve bat speed and increase your power. See the latest techniques and drills recommended by several professional scouts at
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Thursday, September 10, 2009
Coaching Baseball Batters - 3 Common Baseball Swing Mistakes and Corrections
Coaching youth and high school baseball batters requires a watchful eye and close attention to detail. Baseball coaches must identify and correct any flaw in batting hitting mechanics. Players should not be allowed to practice their swing over and over without correcting their mistakes. Good baseball coaches are always on the constant lookout for any bad habits that a young player may develop. Here I discuss three of the most common hitting mechanical flaws and my approach to correcting each. Here are three common mistakes I often see at my baseball camps and when I observe youth games and youth practices.
1) BARRING THE FRONT ARM - The batter locks or stiffens the front arm as the swing begins. Many young batters will have assumed the correct stance and launch positions but have a tendency to tighten up as the swing begins. The barring of the front arm causes the swing to loop and to be too long. The batter has great difficulty taking the bat to the ball and making contact unless the ball is thrown exactly on the swing plane. The proper swing has a "short stroke" or path to the ball. The best way to correct barring of the front arm is to make sure that the batter keeps the front arm elbow bent or at an "L" position prior and during the swing.
2) STEPPING OUT OR PULLING OFF PITCHES - I often see this with young kids in our summer camp program. They always step out or their front side often flies open before the ball arrives. This batter has great difficulty making contact. Until this flaw is corrected, the batter will only become frustrated and embarrassed. To keep the front shoulder in the proper "closed" position, teach the batter to keep the front shoulder closed and directed at the second baseman for right-handed batters and toward the shortstop for left-handed batters. The stepping out is a more difficult flaw to fix. Having the batter pick the front heel off the ground and stepping just slightly toward the plate may help. I frown on putting obstructions behind the front foot to keep it from moving backward, although many coaches do this to stop this bad habit. I often use the "step in and hit: drill with a hit trainer, Bat Action Machine or batting tee. The batter assumes a position back away from the ball target that requires the batter to step toward the ball in order to make contact. If the batter does not step toward or into the ball, the batter will not be able to hit the ball.
3) UPPER CUT SWING - The upper cut swing may be caused by two things that are quickly identified Dropping the hands and back leg collapse can both cause the batter to swing upward. Make sure that the batter keeps the hands at the top of the strike zone and does not drop the hands or dip the back side shoulder during the swing. The back leg should be keep "tall or straight" to prevent back side dipping which can also cause an upper-cut swing. Two great drills that we use to stop this is the "Zone Circle" tee or soft-toss drill. We make a circle the side of our batting cage by inter-weaving a white or yellow rope in the net. The batter must hit or drive the ball off the tee or from a soft-toss into the circle. The batter must have a level swing and keep the front side in to be able to hit the zone.
COACHING POINT: Make sure that the batter is not over striding. This too can cause a batter to pop up. The batter must concentrate visually on the top half or middle of the ball to make good contact.
Visit for a great selection of Baseball Coaching and Training Articles. Check out the BatAction Hitting Machine baseball pitching simulator. This high speed training machine is 100% Guaranteed to raise Batting Averages and has a full year warranty.
Nick Dixon is the President and founder of Nedco Sports, the "Hit2win Company". Dixon is a high school baseball coach and is widely recognized as an expert in the area of baseball training, practice and skill development. Dixon is the inventor of several of baseball and softball's most popular training products including the BatAction Hitting Machine, Hurricane Hitting Machine, Hitting Stick, Hit2win Trainer, SKLZ Target Trainer, and ZipnHit.
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1) BARRING THE FRONT ARM - The batter locks or stiffens the front arm as the swing begins. Many young batters will have assumed the correct stance and launch positions but have a tendency to tighten up as the swing begins. The barring of the front arm causes the swing to loop and to be too long. The batter has great difficulty taking the bat to the ball and making contact unless the ball is thrown exactly on the swing plane. The proper swing has a "short stroke" or path to the ball. The best way to correct barring of the front arm is to make sure that the batter keeps the front arm elbow bent or at an "L" position prior and during the swing.
2) STEPPING OUT OR PULLING OFF PITCHES - I often see this with young kids in our summer camp program. They always step out or their front side often flies open before the ball arrives. This batter has great difficulty making contact. Until this flaw is corrected, the batter will only become frustrated and embarrassed. To keep the front shoulder in the proper "closed" position, teach the batter to keep the front shoulder closed and directed at the second baseman for right-handed batters and toward the shortstop for left-handed batters. The stepping out is a more difficult flaw to fix. Having the batter pick the front heel off the ground and stepping just slightly toward the plate may help. I frown on putting obstructions behind the front foot to keep it from moving backward, although many coaches do this to stop this bad habit. I often use the "step in and hit: drill with a hit trainer, Bat Action Machine or batting tee. The batter assumes a position back away from the ball target that requires the batter to step toward the ball in order to make contact. If the batter does not step toward or into the ball, the batter will not be able to hit the ball.
3) UPPER CUT SWING - The upper cut swing may be caused by two things that are quickly identified Dropping the hands and back leg collapse can both cause the batter to swing upward. Make sure that the batter keeps the hands at the top of the strike zone and does not drop the hands or dip the back side shoulder during the swing. The back leg should be keep "tall or straight" to prevent back side dipping which can also cause an upper-cut swing. Two great drills that we use to stop this is the "Zone Circle" tee or soft-toss drill. We make a circle the side of our batting cage by inter-weaving a white or yellow rope in the net. The batter must hit or drive the ball off the tee or from a soft-toss into the circle. The batter must have a level swing and keep the front side in to be able to hit the zone.
COACHING POINT: Make sure that the batter is not over striding. This too can cause a batter to pop up. The batter must concentrate visually on the top half or middle of the ball to make good contact.
Visit for a great selection of Baseball Coaching and Training Articles. Check out the BatAction Hitting Machine baseball pitching simulator. This high speed training machine is 100% Guaranteed to raise Batting Averages and has a full year warranty.
Nick Dixon is the President and founder of Nedco Sports, the "Hit2win Company". Dixon is a high school baseball coach and is widely recognized as an expert in the area of baseball training, practice and skill development. Dixon is the inventor of several of baseball and softball's most popular training products including the BatAction Hitting Machine, Hurricane Hitting Machine, Hitting Stick, Hit2win Trainer, SKLZ Target Trainer, and ZipnHit.
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Wednesday, September 9, 2009
3 Absolutes to Develop Arm Strength and Accuracy For Baseball

By Jack Perconte
Throwing a baseball with accuracy and speed is obviously a necessity for ballplayers to continue to move up the baseball ladder. It is almost incomprehensible that kids who are fourteen years old and in high school are expected to play at the same distances that major league baseball players do, but that is the case. High school dimensions are the same ninety feet between the bases and sixty feet between home and the pitcher's mound. Those are formidable distances for players, especially for those who have not had their growth spurt yet. The good news is that players can improve their arm strength and accuracy with good mechanics and practice. Players who want to improve their throwing should adhere to the following fundamentals and practice until perfecting them. It is also necessary to throw (correctly) for anywhere between six and nine months out of the year. Generally, as kids get closer to high school, more throwing is advised with at least a couple of days a week of quality throwing. Getting the proper amount of rest between throwing sessions is also important.
3 Absolutes of Throwing for Speed and Accuracy
1. Direction - most kids know how to stand at home plate so having them go to their hitting position before throwing should come easy. This complete turn of the body will point the front shoulder directly at the target with feet parallel to each other. Without this correct set-up position, the thrower's ability to reach maximum speed and accuracy are already compromised. A noted with hitting position, a complete ninety degree turn of the thrower's foot of the same side as his throwing arm is necessary to get to correct starting position.
2. Direction 2 - Players must step directly at the target. Without this direct step the thrower's hips will not function correctly causing a lack of accuracy and power. The length of the step will be determined by the distance of the throw and will come naturally, with the key being the direction. Drawing a direct line from the lead foot towards the target or setting down a couple of objects for the player to step in between are good practice drills to reinforce the correct step. An indirect step is the most common area of break down in a player's throwing fundamentals.
3. Follow through - it is necessary that throwers allow their arm to travel the complete path so the body can alleviate some of the stress of the arm action on the shoulder and to prevent aiming the ball. This is done by the players throwing arm finishing at his opposite side hip, thigh or knee and by having his rear leg come up and forward as they throw. Like hitting, this weight transfer puts power into the throw.
Sounds simple enough but like anything, "The difference between doing something totally correct and almost correct, is the difference between success and failure." (Author of quote is unknown.) Long distance throwing can also develop arm strength but the 3 above fundamentals must be followed for "long toss" to be beneficial.
Former major league baseball player, Jack Perconte gives baseball hitting tips and batting practice advice for ballplayers of all ages. His baseball hitting lessons advice can be found at
Jack is the author of two books, The Making of a Hitter and Raising an Athlete - his parenting blog can be found at
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Shop for your baseball coaching needs including baseball training aids, training videos, and other coaching supplies. Check out the Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting machine by SKLZ at
See the “Original” Rotational Hitting Machine at Are you looking for the perfect trainer to teach proper timing and swing mechanics? You can stop looking and go to
Players develop incredible abt speed and confidence when they regularly use the Quick Swing Trainer. See it at See the world’s most advanced batting tee at
Are you looking for a great batting cage at discount prices? Are you considering building your own backyard batting cage and training center? If so, you should visit now!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
BatAction Batting Machine - Tips for Extending Life of the Powerbands
I occasionally run across a customer that has a problem with his or her powerbands. The problems are that the powerbands tangle and the powerbands stress and break.
First of all, let to assure you of this. The BatAction Hitting Machine when set-up and assembled correctly will not give you any powerband trouble. Here are the steps to preventing any powerband problem.
Step one: Make sure that all KNOBS are on the same side of the machine. This means that the height adjustment collar knob and the top component KNOB must be aligned vertically over and under each other. This allows the knobs to move together and move out of the way of the bands as the machine rotates.
Step Two: Make sure that all KNOBS are tightened.
Step Three: Make sure that all batters using the machine know that the machine must "UNWRAP" between swings to prevent "POWER-BAND STRESS". If a batter continually hits the ball without allowing the ball to pass, this keeps wrapping the powerbands tighter and tighter around the machines axle. If the bands are continually wound tighter and tighter without being allowed to release tension, they will stress and break.
What is the solution? Batters should simply allow the machine to unwind between swings. Batters should allow the ball unit to pass by a couble times between swings before taking their next swing. This will also allow the batter to work at a smoother pace and rhythm. The optimum pace allows the powerbands to unwrap as many times as the batter's wing takes the ball around.
Have a Safe and Happy Labor Day Holiday,
PS: Should you have a problem, question or concern related to the BatAction Hitting Machine, please call our toll free customer service number, 1-877-431-4487.
First of all, let to assure you of this. The BatAction Hitting Machine when set-up and assembled correctly will not give you any powerband trouble. Here are the steps to preventing any powerband problem.
Step one: Make sure that all KNOBS are on the same side of the machine. This means that the height adjustment collar knob and the top component KNOB must be aligned vertically over and under each other. This allows the knobs to move together and move out of the way of the bands as the machine rotates.
Step Two: Make sure that all KNOBS are tightened.
Step Three: Make sure that all batters using the machine know that the machine must "UNWRAP" between swings to prevent "POWER-BAND STRESS". If a batter continually hits the ball without allowing the ball to pass, this keeps wrapping the powerbands tighter and tighter around the machines axle. If the bands are continually wound tighter and tighter without being allowed to release tension, they will stress and break.
What is the solution? Batters should simply allow the machine to unwind between swings. Batters should allow the ball unit to pass by a couble times between swings before taking their next swing. This will also allow the batter to work at a smoother pace and rhythm. The optimum pace allows the powerbands to unwrap as many times as the batter's wing takes the ball around.
Have a Safe and Happy Labor Day Holiday,
PS: Should you have a problem, question or concern related to the BatAction Hitting Machine, please call our toll free customer service number, 1-877-431-4487.
Bat Action Batting Machine - Customer Feedback
I just want to say that I have two BatActions and totally LOVE them and I'm looking forward to getting this third one!
I've been a youth coach for about 7 years and have always struggled with getting the kids that are less than good to develop a proper bat-swing. I've bought just about every kind of gizmo there is, read books on hitting, bought instructional videos, bought a Jugs pitching machine, thrown soft-toss for hours, thrown batting-practice till I couldn't lift my arm, and still had nominal success at developing a good powerful swing (having the essential elements of proper mechanics) in less than athletic kids.
Now all of that has changed! I'm coaching two teams this season (a 7-8 year old team and a 13-14 year old team). The results are unbelievable! Within two practices (just two) my weakest hitters are swinging like talented kids. They no longer simply try to put the bat on the ball, they have begun the hand-eye coordination swing with FULL POWER! I am able to show them that without proper mechanics they "really do" have a very poor swing that either bloops the ball or misses it. The talented kids' hitting has simply exploded!
Bottom-line, the BatAction allows a coach to correct a batter's swing instantly, and it builds muscle memory in the players. The kids love it! I believe they respond so well because they want to "HIT THAT THING" because it shouldn't be that hard, and they get 10 times the number of powerful swings as they would get using any other method. They get so much practice at it that I haven't had to tell one kid/parent to get batting gloves. They figured that out real quick. With the BatAction I'm able to have quality batting practices every day we're on the field, while still getting all the rest done too! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
"Coach D J"
I just want to say that I have two BatActions and totally LOVE them and I'm looking forward to getting this third one!
I've been a youth coach for about 7 years and have always struggled with getting the kids that are less than good to develop a proper bat-swing. I've bought just about every kind of gizmo there is, read books on hitting, bought instructional videos, bought a Jugs pitching machine, thrown soft-toss for hours, thrown batting-practice till I couldn't lift my arm, and still had nominal success at developing a good powerful swing (having the essential elements of proper mechanics) in less than athletic kids.
Now all of that has changed! I'm coaching two teams this season (a 7-8 year old team and a 13-14 year old team). The results are unbelievable! Within two practices (just two) my weakest hitters are swinging like talented kids. They no longer simply try to put the bat on the ball, they have begun the hand-eye coordination swing with FULL POWER! I am able to show them that without proper mechanics they "really do" have a very poor swing that either bloops the ball or misses it. The talented kids' hitting has simply exploded!
Bottom-line, the BatAction allows a coach to correct a batter's swing instantly, and it builds muscle memory in the players. The kids love it! I believe they respond so well because they want to "HIT THAT THING" because it shouldn't be that hard, and they get 10 times the number of powerful swings as they would get using any other method. They get so much practice at it that I haven't had to tell one kid/parent to get batting gloves. They figured that out real quick. With the BatAction I'm able to have quality batting practices every day we're on the field, while still getting all the rest done too! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
"Coach D J"
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Mental Baseball Instruction - Becoming a Mentally Tough Baseball Player
By Nate Barnett
The assumption here is that you have either found the title of this article amusing to some extent, or you are looking for information on how to become more mentally tough as an athlete. Maybe both, which would be a bonus for you. Now, a little group participation... I want you to stop reading for a minute after you read the following question. Don't read past until you have an answer.
The Question: What did you do differently this season (compared to last) to prepare yourself for a successful experience in baseball?
If your answer is nothing, many athletes have since passed you and have consequently helped improve their chances of getting to the next level, whatever that may be for them. However, if you have added something else to your game, then the opposite is true.
In order to become a mentally strong athlete, players must develop two types of skills.
A. Physical skills: those that help you throw, run, pitch, hit, and field more effectively.
B. Mental skills: those that help you in dealing with failure, build confidence, get you in "the zone", keep you out of slumps, etc.
The problem is that there is consistently more importance placed on physical development over mental. There are a few reasons physical skills are taught far more than mental skills.
1. Physical skills are more easily taught through the ease of information access in videos, books, and private baseball instruction.
2. The fixation on massive home runs and big power numbers fuel athletes' desire to improve and learn the skill of hitting a baseball 400ft like the guys in the Bigs.
3. The results can often be noticed by everyone right away. Therefore, there is more of an immediate feeling of improvement with physical skill work through baseball drills, etc.
The mental side of baseball is taught far less for a multitude of reasons. Some include:
1. There are simply fewer resources available on the topic of sports psychology and mental training.
2. Many sports psychology and mental training information is written in a complex fashion making it difficult for a reader to comprehend the information.
3. Practice time is limited for many teams. Therefore, fewer coaches can afford to carve out the time to work on the mental game (assuming they know how to teach it).
So how do you begin to work on the mental game? You're doing it now. Read, listen, and search for pieces of information on the topic. Post-game interviews from professional athletes are a good source. Countless players like Derek Jeter and Cal Ripken have devoted time to writing some of their thoughts on the subject. Buy their books or find them at a library.
Why should you develop you mental baseball skills? The answer to this question is lengthy and is a topic for another article at another time. But the simple answer is that you will be noticed by more college and professional scouts because they look for indicators of a strong mental game. And secondly, it will help to cut out slumps that linger and take away from consistent performance.
Nate Barnett is owner of BMI Baseball designed to improve the mental game of baseball in athletes. Learn how to help your game by improving your baseball psychology.
Article Source:
The assumption here is that you have either found the title of this article amusing to some extent, or you are looking for information on how to become more mentally tough as an athlete. Maybe both, which would be a bonus for you. Now, a little group participation... I want you to stop reading for a minute after you read the following question. Don't read past until you have an answer.
The Question: What did you do differently this season (compared to last) to prepare yourself for a successful experience in baseball?
If your answer is nothing, many athletes have since passed you and have consequently helped improve their chances of getting to the next level, whatever that may be for them. However, if you have added something else to your game, then the opposite is true.
In order to become a mentally strong athlete, players must develop two types of skills.
A. Physical skills: those that help you throw, run, pitch, hit, and field more effectively.
B. Mental skills: those that help you in dealing with failure, build confidence, get you in "the zone", keep you out of slumps, etc.
The problem is that there is consistently more importance placed on physical development over mental. There are a few reasons physical skills are taught far more than mental skills.
1. Physical skills are more easily taught through the ease of information access in videos, books, and private baseball instruction.
2. The fixation on massive home runs and big power numbers fuel athletes' desire to improve and learn the skill of hitting a baseball 400ft like the guys in the Bigs.
3. The results can often be noticed by everyone right away. Therefore, there is more of an immediate feeling of improvement with physical skill work through baseball drills, etc.
The mental side of baseball is taught far less for a multitude of reasons. Some include:
1. There are simply fewer resources available on the topic of sports psychology and mental training.
2. Many sports psychology and mental training information is written in a complex fashion making it difficult for a reader to comprehend the information.
3. Practice time is limited for many teams. Therefore, fewer coaches can afford to carve out the time to work on the mental game (assuming they know how to teach it).
So how do you begin to work on the mental game? You're doing it now. Read, listen, and search for pieces of information on the topic. Post-game interviews from professional athletes are a good source. Countless players like Derek Jeter and Cal Ripken have devoted time to writing some of their thoughts on the subject. Buy their books or find them at a library.
Why should you develop you mental baseball skills? The answer to this question is lengthy and is a topic for another article at another time. But the simple answer is that you will be noticed by more college and professional scouts because they look for indicators of a strong mental game. And secondly, it will help to cut out slumps that linger and take away from consistent performance.
Nate Barnett is owner of BMI Baseball designed to improve the mental game of baseball in athletes. Learn how to help your game by improving your baseball psychology.
Article Source:
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
2010 Louisville Baseball Bat Reviews
By R. Nelson
Louisville has a long and respected history in the baseball bat industry, but they've falling behind in the composite segment of the market. They're 2009 entry into the high end composite category, the Triton, was met with a tepid reception. For 2010 they've changed ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to their line-up except for cosmetics. They didn't even make an attempt to fool us into believing they made any changes. The verbiage for their 2010 bats is identical to the verbiage for their 2009 bats. They even changed the name of their second tier composite bat for the third year in a row without changing anything about the bat. This is extremely disappointing from what most consider the holy grail of baseball bat manufacturers. On a positive note they have adjusted their pricing policy to align the price (except for the EXO) to the material of the bat.
Here's the breakdown of the Louisville line-up:
Louisville Composite Bats
TPX Triton - A 3-piece bat made with 100% composite material with Louisville's stiff handle and a balanced design. The 2010 Triton is the exact same bat as the 2009 model except for a putrid blue/yellow color change that makes it look cheap. This bat has by far the largest barrel I've seen on a baseball bat. As I've stated in the past, it would be in Louisville's best interest to either call this a multi-piece bat or stick to a true 1-piece design. Instead they continue to market it as a three-piece bat bonded together as a one-piece bat. I've hit with the Triton and seen high school kids use it in games and it seems to be a quality bat, but it just hasn't caught fire. You will rarely see it in a high school games and almost never in College. Even on a College teams using Louisville bats the players choose the Exogrid, Omaha or H2 (in that order) and not the Triton. The retail price remains at $399.99 for the Adult -3 model. If you like this bat you'll save about $100 by picking up the 2009 model on the discount rack (and have a bat that looks good). I recommend the Easton Speed for experienced players who want a 100% composite bat.
TPX Dynasty Composite - This 100% 7C composite, one-piece bat has the Louisville stiff handle and a balanced design. This bat is the same bat as the 2009 Omaha Comp and 2008 Catalyst. Louisville seems to be playing musical chairs with the name of this bat and decided the old Dynasty name would make sense for 2010. I believe this bat is an excellent second tier composite bat choice for two reasons. First, it has a great price at $259 for the Adult -3 model. Second, it has a proven track record being a Catalyst/Omaha Comp. An excellent choice for those looking for a lower priced composite bat.
Louisville Hybrid Bats:
H2: The 2010 model is the exact same bat as in 2009 but with one major difference, they've adjusted the price to what a hybrid bat should be! Do you believe in miracles? It looks like the H2 did not sell well in 2009 and they were forced to price it correctly. It's a two piece bat that bonds the pieces together to make the claim that it's a one piece bat (we've already covered this). The 100% composite handle is Louisville's stiffest which is saying something. The barrel is a 100% ST+20 alloy barrel and a balanced swing weight design. The Adult -3 model retails for $299 in 2010 $70 less than its retail price in 2009. You can also find the 2009 model for even less.
Exogrid: The EXO continues to chug along! It's been one of Louisville's best selling bats and the 2010 model is identical to the 2008 and 2009 models. Clearly their going to milk this golden goose for as long as possible because it continues to retail for an amazing $369. In my opinion this bat is closer to a 100% alloy bat then a hybrid but with the carbon sleeve cut into the handle it's in the hybrid category. I believe the price of this bat is way too high and I can't recommend it when for an additional $30 I can get the 100% composite Triton. Don't get me wrong, it's a good bat but I just can't recommend pulling the trigger at $369. If you love this bat find the 2008 or 2009 model. It's the same bat and will cost you a lot less money. As mentioned no change to the design it's still a one piece, 100% alloy bat with some metal cut out of the handle and replaced with composite material. It comes with Louisville's stiff handle and a balanced design. As mentioned earlier, most players on College teams who use Louisville bats swing the Exogrid.
Louisville Alloy Bats
TPX Omaha: The Omaha also continues to chug along. It' a one -piece, 100% alloy bat with the Louisville stiff handle and a balanced design.. The 2010 is the same bat as the 2009 model and is priced at a reasonable $199.99 for the Adult -3 model. It's a great choice for those who are not looking to break the bank to purchase a baseball bat. Many players on College teams with Louisville contracts prefer to use the Omaha instead of the Triton or H2.
Omaha XT Stiff: This bat has apparently been out since last year but I've not seen it anywhere except on the Louisville website. I don't know if it's a hybrid or an alloy all Louisville says is it has ST+20 alloy and extra stiff composite reinforced transition. Seem odd to call this bat the Omaha Stiff when all Louisville bats are known for their stiff handles and the H2 has the stiffest handle of all.
Louisville makes quality bats but they need to decide if they're going to jump into the multi-piece bat market or not. If you're coming out with a multi-piece design tell me it's a multi-piece design and why that makes sense. Don't tell me it's bonded to be a one piece bat.
Take a look at the Baseball Bat Reviews Blog for reviews of all the 2010 baseball bats.
Baseball Bat Reviews Blog
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Shop for your baseball coaching needs including baseball training aids, training videos, and other coaching supplies. Check out the Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting machine by SKLZ at
See the “Original” Rotational Hitting Machine at Are you looking for the perfect trainer to teach proper timing and swing mechanics? You can stop looking and go to
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Louisville has a long and respected history in the baseball bat industry, but they've falling behind in the composite segment of the market. They're 2009 entry into the high end composite category, the Triton, was met with a tepid reception. For 2010 they've changed ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to their line-up except for cosmetics. They didn't even make an attempt to fool us into believing they made any changes. The verbiage for their 2010 bats is identical to the verbiage for their 2009 bats. They even changed the name of their second tier composite bat for the third year in a row without changing anything about the bat. This is extremely disappointing from what most consider the holy grail of baseball bat manufacturers. On a positive note they have adjusted their pricing policy to align the price (except for the EXO) to the material of the bat.
Here's the breakdown of the Louisville line-up:
Louisville Composite Bats
TPX Triton - A 3-piece bat made with 100% composite material with Louisville's stiff handle and a balanced design. The 2010 Triton is the exact same bat as the 2009 model except for a putrid blue/yellow color change that makes it look cheap. This bat has by far the largest barrel I've seen on a baseball bat. As I've stated in the past, it would be in Louisville's best interest to either call this a multi-piece bat or stick to a true 1-piece design. Instead they continue to market it as a three-piece bat bonded together as a one-piece bat. I've hit with the Triton and seen high school kids use it in games and it seems to be a quality bat, but it just hasn't caught fire. You will rarely see it in a high school games and almost never in College. Even on a College teams using Louisville bats the players choose the Exogrid, Omaha or H2 (in that order) and not the Triton. The retail price remains at $399.99 for the Adult -3 model. If you like this bat you'll save about $100 by picking up the 2009 model on the discount rack (and have a bat that looks good). I recommend the Easton Speed for experienced players who want a 100% composite bat.
TPX Dynasty Composite - This 100% 7C composite, one-piece bat has the Louisville stiff handle and a balanced design. This bat is the same bat as the 2009 Omaha Comp and 2008 Catalyst. Louisville seems to be playing musical chairs with the name of this bat and decided the old Dynasty name would make sense for 2010. I believe this bat is an excellent second tier composite bat choice for two reasons. First, it has a great price at $259 for the Adult -3 model. Second, it has a proven track record being a Catalyst/Omaha Comp. An excellent choice for those looking for a lower priced composite bat.
Louisville Hybrid Bats:
H2: The 2010 model is the exact same bat as in 2009 but with one major difference, they've adjusted the price to what a hybrid bat should be! Do you believe in miracles? It looks like the H2 did not sell well in 2009 and they were forced to price it correctly. It's a two piece bat that bonds the pieces together to make the claim that it's a one piece bat (we've already covered this). The 100% composite handle is Louisville's stiffest which is saying something. The barrel is a 100% ST+20 alloy barrel and a balanced swing weight design. The Adult -3 model retails for $299 in 2010 $70 less than its retail price in 2009. You can also find the 2009 model for even less.
Exogrid: The EXO continues to chug along! It's been one of Louisville's best selling bats and the 2010 model is identical to the 2008 and 2009 models. Clearly their going to milk this golden goose for as long as possible because it continues to retail for an amazing $369. In my opinion this bat is closer to a 100% alloy bat then a hybrid but with the carbon sleeve cut into the handle it's in the hybrid category. I believe the price of this bat is way too high and I can't recommend it when for an additional $30 I can get the 100% composite Triton. Don't get me wrong, it's a good bat but I just can't recommend pulling the trigger at $369. If you love this bat find the 2008 or 2009 model. It's the same bat and will cost you a lot less money. As mentioned no change to the design it's still a one piece, 100% alloy bat with some metal cut out of the handle and replaced with composite material. It comes with Louisville's stiff handle and a balanced design. As mentioned earlier, most players on College teams who use Louisville bats swing the Exogrid.
Louisville Alloy Bats
TPX Omaha: The Omaha also continues to chug along. It' a one -piece, 100% alloy bat with the Louisville stiff handle and a balanced design.. The 2010 is the same bat as the 2009 model and is priced at a reasonable $199.99 for the Adult -3 model. It's a great choice for those who are not looking to break the bank to purchase a baseball bat. Many players on College teams with Louisville contracts prefer to use the Omaha instead of the Triton or H2.
Omaha XT Stiff: This bat has apparently been out since last year but I've not seen it anywhere except on the Louisville website. I don't know if it's a hybrid or an alloy all Louisville says is it has ST+20 alloy and extra stiff composite reinforced transition. Seem odd to call this bat the Omaha Stiff when all Louisville bats are known for their stiff handles and the H2 has the stiffest handle of all.
Louisville makes quality bats but they need to decide if they're going to jump into the multi-piece bat market or not. If you're coming out with a multi-piece design tell me it's a multi-piece design and why that makes sense. Don't tell me it's bonded to be a one piece bat.
Take a look at the Baseball Bat Reviews Blog for reviews of all the 2010 baseball bats.
Baseball Bat Reviews Blog
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Four Little-Known Baseball/Softball Training Secrets, PART 1
Four Little-Known Baseball/Softball Training Secrets, PART 1
By Steve Zawrotny
Train for POWER
Baseball and softball are not games of strength, but of EXPLOSIVE POWER. Just how strong do you have to be to pick up a 5 oz baseball, or a 30 oz bat? On the other hand, propelling that 5 oz ball 90+ mph, or hitting a ball 400+ feet with that 30 oz bat requires tremendous power - the ability to perform work. In this case, the work of playing baseball and softball at a high level.
In both games, while they can be slow in duration, the various activities that comprise a game are short and quick. Rarely does a play take longer than 6 or 7 seconds. There are exceptions, of course - an inside the park homer, or an extended rundown or "pickle." But, for the most part, things happen very quickly on the diamond.
Why does this matter to you?
Well, let me ask you this: how often have you heard coaches tell pitchers to condition themselves by running laps - Long, Slow Distance (LSD) training, or to spend a lot of time pedaling a bike?
If you've been around as long as I have, you've seen this a lot. Here's the problems: these coaches (and many players) incorrectly think that LSD (or aerobic) conditioning improves player performance. In fact, studies show the aerobic demands (the amount of oxygen needed by the body) of baseball and softball to be very low.
In fact, the oxygen uptake of a baseball pitcher (the most active position) is a low 45% of the maximum needed. Apparently the rest pitchers get between each pitch and in-between innings is sufficient to replenish the main energy system used.
Baseball and softball are considered to be "alactic anaerobic" sports in terms of the energy system utilized, with pitchers in both sports the busiest players on the field. What this means is that there is little to no lactic acid buildup as a result of this activity. That burning feeling you get when you lift weights really hard is a result of a buildup of lactic acid, a by-product of that (and other) short-term, intense types of exercise.
Have you ever heard of a ball player complaining of this problem?
Consider the baseball pitcher: it takes about 0.15 seconds from the time the front foot contacts the ground until the ball is released. Very little lactic acid can be built up in this short burst of activity. The primary source of fatigue in pitching is not metabolic, but neural. [1]
Again, why does this matter to you?
Because studies show that LSD training significantly detracts from power, strength, and speed development.
Reduce these characteristics, and you educe your ability to throw with high velocity, hit with power, and run at high speed. Look at the bodies of sprinters vs. marathoners. You don't have to be built like a sprinter to be successful as a ball player, but this illustrates how training affects one's body, conditioning, and hence, ability to perform.
Put another way: Train Slow, Perform Slow.
As mentioned earlier, aside from the game itself (which can be be long and slow) things happen quickly on the ball field. Playing softball and baseball requires high velocity, ballistic movements like throwing a fast, well located pitch, taking a hard swing at this high velocity pitch, and exploding out of the batter's box to sprint down the first base line.
So how should you train?
To augment the aforementioned activities, concentrate on developing power, flexibility, and speed. Weight lifting, plyometrics, flexibility, and short burst sprint interval training should form the basis of conditioning for baseball and softball players.
[1] Gambetta, V. A Big Windup. Training & Conditioning, p. 43 March 2003
Steve Zawrotny, MS, CSCS 405.373.3253 FREE REPORT: "Harmful Resistance Exercises Baseball/Softball Players Should Avoid" VISIT:
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