Welcome to the BatAction Baseball Training Blog

The BatAction Blog presents baseball batting training tips, baseball hitting drills, and other information to help Bat Action owners produce unbelievable results from working out on the BatAction Baseball Trainer. Baseball coaches, players and parents will find this information very interesting and extremely useful. The Regular posts include new and innovative training drills and techniques to increase bat speed, improve power, improve hitting skill, and increase batter confidence.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

BatAction Baseball Hitting Machine - Hitting Streak Drill

The Baseball "Hitting Streak" Drill is one of the most pupular Bat Action Machine batting trainer drills. The drill is fun, entertaining and challenging for hitters of all ages and ability levels.

"Hitting Streak" Baseball Training Drill

  • The drill can be a competition bewteen two or more players or the batter can compete against his or her personal best "Batting Streak" number.
  • The Batting Streak number is the number of times a batter makes contact with the BatAction Ball before a swing and a miss.
  • Contact of any kind keeps the streak "alive". The batter is not allowed to touch the ball with the hands or the bat between swings. If the batter miss hits the ball, the ball will react in a bobbling motion. The batter must hit the ball as it bobbles. This requires great concentration.
  • If the ball stops moving completely the drill is over. The ball must be kept moving.
  • The player with the most hits in a row wins the match. This is a great drill or activity for team competitions.
  • Tracking the ball at all times as it circles the machine is a must for a player to be successful.

Note: Make sure that players allow the ball to pass at least once or twice between swings. If the batter does not allow the BatAction Powerbands to unwrap, to release tension, they will continue to wrap tighter and tighter until they stess and break. This is usually not a problem because most users of this great baseball training machine realize that the BatAction Machine operates on a "wrapping and unwrapping" process.

Good Luck til next time, Nick.

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Hello Baseball Friend,
I welcome any comments or suggestions. If you have a question or a topic that you would like to read about, please leave a comment and I will try to address that topic as soon as I can. Good luck in the coming season!
Have a great day, Nick