By R. Nelson
I love the game of baseball. I played through High School, have been a coach for the last 12 years and have attended over 900 ...
Everyone has their own preferences and needs in a baseball bat based on experience, aspirations, material and financial considerations. I've sorted my recommendations based on the composition and price of the bat to simplify the process. I believe this makes it easier to pinpoint the bat that's right for you.
First, I segmented my recommendations into the following categories based on the material:
Composite Bats
Hybrid Bats (composite handle, alloy barrel)
Alloy Bats
I then provided a high and low cost recommendation within each category. This breaks it down into neat, manageable areas that will help your decision.
My Baseball Bat Recommendations for the 2010 model year are:
100% Composite Bats
High Cost Recommendation
Easton/Synergy Speed: The difference between the two being the Stealth is a two-piece bat and the Synergy a one-piece bat. The Stealth comes with both a flex and stiff handle while the Synergy comes only in a stiff handle. Both are made from the identical composite material. Which version you choose is simply a matter of preference. These are by far the most popular composite bats on the market from the youth to college level, and the Stealth Speed is more popular than the Synergy Speed. Most College teams have contracts with a manufacturer and their players must swing a bat made by that manufacturer. Many of the players on teams swinging Easton choose the Stealth and Synergy Speed composite bats. While teams swinging other manufacturer's bats rarely choose that company's composite model. Just keep in mind these bats are slightly end-loaded and may be a little more difficult for the inexperienced player to swing. The Adult -3 models retail for $399.
Low Cost Recommendation
Louisville Dynasty Comp: Hands down the best option for those who must have a composite bat but don't want to break the bank. It's hard to beat this bat at a retail price of $249 for the Adult -3 model. You get a 100% composite bat in a model that's been around for several years and has a good reputation. It's a one-piece composite bat with a stiff handle and balanced design.
Combat B1: At $299 for the Adult -3 model Combat has FINALLY given players who loved the B1 in youth ball the opportunity to continue using it in a big barrel design. The B1 youth has a lot of avid fans and now there's no reason not to continue using it in Middle and High School. It's also a one-piece composite bat with a stiff handle and balanced design.
Hybrid Bats
High Cost Recommendation
Demarini Voodoo Black: This is a quality bat with a proven reputation that has always had a reasonable price for a high end hybrid bat. It is a favorite among college teams that use Louisville bats. It's a two-piece hybrid bat with a balanced design that retails for $299 (Adult -3).
Easton SV12: Another very good choice. What I like about this bat, and Easton in general, is that you can buy it with the handle design you prefer as it comes in both a flex and stiff handle design. I believe the stiff handle design will become one of the most popular bats on the market. It's a two-piece bat with a balanced design that retails for $299 (Adult -3).
Low Cost Recommendation
Demarini Vendetta SC4: There's not a lot of choice in the low cost hybrid category so the Vendetta SC4 wins by default. It's a two-piece single wall bat with a flex handle and balanced design. It has the same SC4 alloy barrel as the Voodoo but the handle does not include their Pitch Black Plus technology. Instead the handle has their "Rails Hybrid" technology which gives the handle sides and a funky look. The Adult -3 model retails for $249.
100% Alloy Bats
High Cost Recommendation
Louisville TPX Omaha: The Omaha is a solid bat with a long and trusted reputation. It's a one-piece bat with a stiff handle and a balanced design. You can't go wrong with this bat if you desire a 100% alloy bat. The Adult -3 model retails for $199.
Easton V12: The V12 has Easton's stiffest handle and lowest swing weight. Because of the very low swing weight this bat is a better option for the inexperienced player. If you're experienced the Omaha is a better choice in this category. The V12 is a one-piece bat that retails for $199.
Low Cost Recommendation
At this point you're just looking for something to hit a ball with. Any alloy bat in the $129 - $169 range will fit your needs. If I had to choose I'd say the Easton Titan, a one-piece stiff handle bat would be the top of the class. But it retails for $169 (Adult -3) which is too close to the Omaha and V12.
Best of luck with your decision and keep swinging for the fences. You can check out all of my bat reviews by manufacturer by visiting The Baseball Bat Reviews Blog.
I hope this helps you in making your decision. You can get a lot more information at Baseball Bat Reviews
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=R._Nelson
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I welcome any comments or suggestions. If you have a question or a topic that you would like to read about, please leave a comment and I will try to address that topic as soon as I can. Good luck in the coming season!
Have a great day, Nick