Welcome to the BatAction Baseball Training Blog

The BatAction Blog presents baseball batting training tips, baseball hitting drills, and other information to help Bat Action owners produce unbelievable results from working out on the BatAction Baseball Trainer. Baseball coaches, players and parents will find this information very interesting and extremely useful. The Regular posts include new and innovative training drills and techniques to increase bat speed, improve power, improve hitting skill, and increase batter confidence.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

BatAction Hitting Machine - "Hip Turner" Drill

One of the most difficult things to teach younger hitters is the process of using the hips to generate power and bat speed. The key first element to teaching them to use their hips is to do a drill that allows them to see and feel how the hips should turn. The "Hip Turner" drill works great for this purpose.

Have the batter assume the "inside pitch location" drill position. The BatAction Ball should be directed at the batters front hip with the ball's location inside and out in front of the front leg.

The batter will then look away from the ball and find a "landmark" to identify visually. It is great to have a player or coach stand behind the batter at a safe distance. The coach will instruct the batter to assume the ready position and then look back at their teammate or coach. The coach then gives the player the instruction to take a full swing, turn the hips completely, and then look at your teammate or coach from the other side. This look, swing and look, process is done for 4 swings.

This over exaggeration of the hip involvement allows young players to see how the hips turn, how much the hips can turn, and to usderstand what their coach means when he says "turn on that inside pitch". Then the batter is allowed to take 6 more swings.

Bataction Hitting Machine at Discount Prices at CoachesBest.com.

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I welcome any comments or suggestions. If you have a question or a topic that you would like to read about, please leave a comment and I will try to address that topic as soon as I can. Good luck in the coming season!
Have a great day, Nick