Welcome to the BatAction Baseball Training Blog

The BatAction Blog presents baseball batting training tips, baseball hitting drills, and other information to help Bat Action owners produce unbelievable results from working out on the BatAction Baseball Trainer. Baseball coaches, players and parents will find this information very interesting and extremely useful. The Regular posts include new and innovative training drills and techniques to increase bat speed, improve power, improve hitting skill, and increase batter confidence.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm Positive You Will Want To Read This!

When you use positive mindset as a team concept you can find positive items almost any play or at bat, even if it appears to be non productive. The coach should shoulder most of the burden of displaying a building, positive mindset.

By Chip Lemin

If you've ever played baseball before, you know what it is like to be caught off guard and make a mistake. You probably know what it is like to not want the ball hit to you, or have to bat next, because of un-confident negative feelings. This type of thinking usually leads to poor results.

Why? because in our minds we have already visualized not doing well. That is the power of negative thinking or negative self talk.

Well guess what! we can use this same process, only let's visualize positive results. This is a team function also. From the manager, the Parents, and fellow players, positive thoughts will help produce positive results.

I'm not stating that every player will hit 500 on your team, or pitch no-hitters, just because they used positive thinking. I will guarantee that you will have more fun, fewer bad attitudes, and more production in all parts of the game when your team has a positive building mindset.


This positive mindset, being a builder, has to start with your manager and coaching staff. In your team letter, state this season we are going to be a positive mindset team. This will set the tone to help keep everyone positive. Even if this season has already started, call a team meeting to announce this new attitude.

The coaches should shoulder most of the burden of displaying a building, positive mindset. This mind-set also means, no yelling or showing up players for mistakes made in practice or games.

• We talk of progress first, of what was done right first, then bring up mistakes. Coaches must keep to yelling out only positive instruction. Wait until after the inning is over to discuss mistakes. The game is not that important to show up players and upset family by public displays.

• Your team takes fun and mental makeup of its coaching staff to a large degree. IF your coaching staff is easily rattled and emotional, your team probably will be to.

• With the positive mindset, your team will be more relaxed. Your team will be more willing to visualize making the next good play. All you should demand from them is 100 percent effort.

• A positive mindset, will allow coaches to remain calmer during a tough parts of the game. It will help to keep you from lashing out or tearing down your players in frustration.

• Your parents will appreciate a calm confident composure even when things aren't going well. Once you have witnessed the power of positive mindset for yourself, you will become a believer.

• No player deserves to be put down, or criticized out loud. There's plenty of time to discuss mistakes after the game. That is why carrying a clipboard for notes is so important.

• Also put good things you see on the clipboard too. Make sure to praise all actions that indicate players are using positive mindset or sportsmanship.

• When you use positive mindset as a team concept you can find positive items almost any play or at bat, even if it appears to be non productive. Few players do everything wrong when they make a mistake. Go over what the player did right first, so they will be more receptive to instruction later.

• Encourage your players to use positive mindset outside the game, and other sports, at school, and at home. It is a great tool for anyone to use. Be sure to praise your players and coaches who practice using positive mindset. The best way to get others to try it is to be an example of it your self.

• Positive mindset training is something very powerful, to be used in all areas of life. It does take work, determination, and persistence to see the full benefit. It is indeed worth every bit of effort used to promote it.

Hello My name is Chip Lemin. I'm a long time youth baseball coach who loves to promote this great game of youth baseball. Promoting sportsmanship in this game of youth baseball is something that really needs I feel. I have a free e-course that will give you some solid coaching information along with great help on the inter-personal relationships we must have to be good youth baseball coaches. Things such as parents, travel baseball, getting parents to help out, how to communicate better to parents and players, just to touch on a few. This course will help to organize practices like an elite coach. How to motivate players and other coaches with your positive attitude. It really is not very hard to be a great coach when you know what to do.Best of all you will learn how to have fun with these great kids that you have the privilege of coaching. Do yourself a favor and check it out, it's free,you will get 1 part every couple of days in your e-mail. Coaching can be fun and rewarding if you have a plan in place first, and you have an idea what you are doing. http://www.baseballecourse.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chip_Lemin


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Baseball Coaching Tips - Practice Hitting Vs Game Hitting

Let's understand three important principles when we talk about how to hit a baseball:

1. Mechanics, which include form and technique
2. Judgmental principles
3. Confidence

By Joe Brockhoff

When a player is hitting off of a tee or in soft toss, this involves only mechanics. There are no judgmental or confidence factors at all involved. Whereas, in the game, judgmental principles may be even more important than mechanics. This involves reading the pitch and taking appropriate action.

Here is one of my best baseball coaching tips. The player who does only short-toss and t-hitting misses out on a major part of hitting, and that is judging the pitch in space (trajectory). When we practice with soft toss, it is "pitch - hit". But when we hit in the game, the sequence is "pitch - trajectory - hit".

And no player can perform at his best unless he has confidence. Tension forces a player to do things he would not do during practice. So how do we make the transition from practice to the game?

Hitting is a conditioned reflex. A hitter must practice to "groove" his stroke, and then trust it. In other words, 'no stinkin thinkin' at the plate. It's see-ball, hit-ball, have fun!

Toss and tee hitting only provide practice of mechanics, and the hitter needs much more. Not only does he need to see pitching from a distance, but he also needs to have some pressure put on him during his practice sessions.

In our baseball hitting tips, we can add a measure of pressure on the hitter in a batting cage by using a Power-10 series, where he works to hit 8 out of 10 pitches hard. This puts pressure on him to get a high score. He can also run a series of power-10's using out youth baseball hitting drills. This will also increase his confidence level.

There is an old saying that is so true:

Play like you practice and practice like you play. This was never more important than in the game of baseball. So here are some ideas to help accomplish this.

1. Batters should have some practice where they get some distance from the pitcher, either a machine or live pitcher.
2. Put some tension in the practice.
3. In every batting cage practice session, include a "Power-10", 7 or 8 hard hits out of 10 to increase confidence level and a good feeling of performance.
4. Use practice that simulates game situations and encourages players to feel good about their performance.

Former Tulane Hall of Fame Baseball Coach, Joe Brockhoff, fully explains his baseball hitting drills with the Super 8 Hitting System, completely demonstrated with videos and hitting drills to help you hit with more power and raise your batting average. http://www.LearnBaseballHitting.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Brockhoff

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bat Rolling - What You Need to Know Before Rolling Your $300 Bat

Composite bats are made of many layers of fiber, resin, and glue. When a bat comes from the factory the resin and glue between the fibers are stiff and less pliable.

By Chase Rodgers

Composite bats are made of many layers of fiber, resin, and glue. When a bat comes from the factory the resin and glue between the fibers are stiff and less pliable. As a bat is hit by a baseball or softball the resin and glue begin to break, this is what players would call "breaking in", literally. As the resin and glue breaks up the bat becomes more flexible in that spot. The same thing is accomplished through bat rolling, a bat is compressed through nylon or hard rubbers rollers and the resin breaks up leaving the area more flexible. Now when we do that around the circumference of the bat 8-12 times the bat becomes much more flexible. This flexibility equates to an increase in batted ball speed and farther distance of hit baseballs or softballs. Studies have been done and found that some bats after being rolled jump up as much as 5mph in batted ball speeds. You can figure about 8 feet per mph of batted ball speed.

Now, wait a minute isn't perpendicular rolling sufficient? Sufficient is a good word because the answer is yes, but if you want the resin broken up completely you would have to make about 8-12 more passes through perpendicularly hoping you roll the bat through the correct spots. After the bat is rolled perpendicularly, an assured way to break in the rest of the bat would be to roll it through a parallel rolling machine. This breaks up the resin that the perpendicular bat rolling missed, for a more consistent and flexible bat. The parallel rollers can not be too long, although, because there will not be a consistent and even pressure over the length of the rollers. The rollers really need to be a maximum of a foot in length; this would cover any sweet spot on any bat.

It would seem like breaking up the resin would decrease the longevity of a bat. To an extent this statement is correct so you could spend about 24 hours of batting practice breaking in every spot on your bat, hoping you did not miss a spot or get the bat rolled. In the first case you would have about an extra 24 hours of bat life as long as you didn't hit the bat in the exact same spot 10 times therefore decreasing its life. If you had trouble following that I will explain: bat rolling breaks in the entire bat with one swoop. Breaking in a bat in by hitting balls endlessly causes an inconsistent break in and heightens the chances of breaking the bat sooner. Now the bat still has a strong interwoven mesh of carbon fibers throughout the entire bat which is very strong, this is what makes it possible to stay durable and flex when the brittle resin is broken up.

So let's go over this; bat rolling increases batted ball speed and has a longer life than a bat broken in the same amount through normal hitting. Sounds good to me but some sanctions of softball have considered this an illegal modification. Bat rolling, when done correctly, can not be detected: so what the sanctions do not know won't hurt them.

Click here to watch the bat rolling process.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chase_Rodgers

Monday, July 20, 2009

Thee Popular BatAction Baseball Hitting Drills

Three Baseball Batting Drills
1. Streak Drill
2. Switch Hitting Drill
3. Step-In and Hit Drill


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sports Nutrition: Water - Hydration - & Athletic Performance

By Kenny Buford

Every athlete has a different hydration requirement, which changes due to weather conditions. Generally, it is recommended that everyone drink 64 ounces of water a day to stay in a fully hydrated state. Sweating, which often occurs during physical activity, releases water and sodium from the body. To function at their peak, athletes need to replenish this loss through water and sports drinks. Neglecting to replace both fluid and sodium loss results in dehydration, which causes impaired mental focus, impaired energy metabolism, and an imbalance in electrolyte levels. It also results in rapid fatigue and decreased energy.

As a general rule, athletes should drink 16 ounces of water or sports drink 2 hours before activity. They should then consume another 8 ounces 30 minutes before activity. During an activity, fluids should be readily available for athletes as they need it. Coaches should watch for athletes expelling a higher-than-normal amount of sweat and ensure that the athlete is drinking as much as they need. It is recommended that athletes replenish half of the fluid lost by sweat.

Athletes involved in short-term activity lasting over 30 seconds are at a high risk for dehydration due to the intensity of the activity. These athletes should drink the recommended fluids before their activity and replenish the lost fluids as soon after finishing as possible. Short-term activity lasting less than 30 seconds has little effect on dehydration and does not pose a hazard.

Athletes involved in long-term activity, such as running, cycling, and skiing for more than 30 minutes need periodic fluid intake to reduce dehydration levels, even though this may cause cramping and gastrointestinal problems. To prevent such problems, athletes should train themselves to take in the necessary liquid to accustom their bodies to the fluid.

During an activity, athletes should drink 8 ounces of fluid every 20 minutes. For activities over 40 minutes, water is not sufficient, because it does not provide the necessary sodium intake to maintain electrolyte levels. If water is all that is available, mixing 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water is enough to maintain the balance.

Too much water can cause another problem, hyponatremia, when the sodium levels in the body are too low. Symptoms of hyponatremia are nausea, muscle cramps, disorientation, slurred speech, confusion, and inappropriate behavior. This occurs when there is an intake of water to replace lost fluids, but no intake of salt to replace lost sodium. Hyponatremia is much more dangerous than dehydration, and it is important that coaches monitor how much fluids are taken in to ensure that their athletes do not run the risk of suffering from this potentially life-threatening disease. The old method of “drink as much as you can” is now seen as dangerous because of the effects it can have in lowering sodium levels.

If your athletes are still unclear as to how much fluid to drink, there is a simple urine test that determines the hydration levels of a person. Athletes should have clear urine, showing that they are fully hydrated. If the urine is dark or there is restricted flow, the athlete needs more fluids. There is not a set amount for each person, so it is important that as a coach, you train your athletes to learn what their individual bodies need.

Kenny Buford spent years playing baseball at the college level. Today, he coaches 3 youth development teams and shares his extensive coaching knowledge on his blog, you can visit him here: http://www.baseball-tutorials.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kenny_Buford

Friday, July 17, 2009

Baseball Scholarships - 5 Mistakes to Avoid

CoachesBest.com sells all BatAction Batting Machines & Parts.

By Joe Hobbs

The competition for baseball scholarships in college is tough. There are 11.7 NCAA Division I scholarships per school. NCAA DII only has 9 and NAIA schools have 12. The most scholarships available are at NJCAA or junior colleges who have 24 scholarships. The NCAA and NAIA classify baseball as an equivalency sport which means the scholarships can be divided into partials and awarded out to more players than scholarship numbers. Meaning if you are awards a DI 50% or .5 partial scholarship, the coach has 11.2 more to award.

You will face a lot of competition for a baseball scholarship and it is important that you treat recruiting serious and like a job. Those who do are rewarded. Here are some of the most common mistakes see athletes make year after year.

1. Not believing in your talent. As hard as it is to believe I see many high school baseball players that should be playing in college but do not think they are good enough. Sometimes recruiting comes down to who wants it more once athletes reach a certain talent level.

2. Giving up during the recruiting process. Getting a scholarship is hard work. Many times athletes who are used to success are not prepared for the brutal nature of earning a scholarship. Those who can press forwards after being turned down by school after school are the ones who win in the end.

3. Choosing the wrong summer team. Playing in summer leagues has almost become a necessity. College coaches are not able to recruit during the season because they overlap. The summer is the main recruiting season for baseball. Don’t choose a league with you friends, choose a team that will maximize your exposure.

4. Neglecting your academics. This is something that is preventable and should never happen. By just getting over a 3.0 GPA you make it 100 times easier for a college to accept you academically and recruit you. If you are behind on your grades, make every effort today to turn them around.

5. Not being flexible. We are talking about being able to touch your toes here. College coaches want athletes who can play multiple positions. If you want the scholarship be willing to play and be able to play around the field.

Remember, these are just 5 critical mistakes I have seen and continue to see every year. Start your recruiting process early to get a baseball scholarship and treat it like a job.

Want to earn the baseball scholarship you deserve? Do it right and beat out the competition. More recruiting tips!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Hobbs

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Information For The Finest Baseball Equipment

"The BatAction Hitting Machines is nicknamed the BACKYARD BASKETBALL GOAL for HITTERS because it provide players with a fun, entertaining, and convient way to practice their swing at home. The BatAction is a great investment in a players baseball or softball career! It is 100% Guaranteed to Improve Your Batting Skill and Bat Speed or you get your money back!"


In today's baseball world the baseball equipment has improved drastically from yesteryear. Let us examine some of the improvements in this article.

Established baseball equipment has benefited by the improvement of new materials for sports gear. The accessories to the pastime have progressed way beyond the plain bat bag and uniforms for all leagues of sports.

Present days, there are toys for everyone interested in baseball, whether little league or minors, even pro players and coaches, that make for great items to supply to those you know established in the sport. For catchers, a specific helmet will often win as a gift, especially since elements of the pro level variety of helmets are now out there for minor leaguers.

Comfort padding systems and linings that are designed to maintain the head and face fresh and sweat-free make for easier concentration behind the plate. Catchers can also maintain more freedom and comfort when you take great care to obtain a helmet that has a specialized chin pad, such as the softened deer skin commonly worn. These days knee pads and shin guard is called sliders, and they have improved.

Customarily, a combination of four dissimilar materials are worn to step up the measure of comfort and quality. A blend of polyester, nylon, rayon and elastic produce spongy comfort. The foam padding is thick, but not cumbersome, as in the earlier variety of pads.

The miracle material of the latter portion of the century has found its way into the manufacture of baseball equipment as well. That being the extreme breathable and lightweight neoprene. Interior grippers supply no slide grip, from the inside, which is a component you'll wish to check for as well.

Baseball Equipment is what most sporting good stores are all about. Most strive to bring their customers the best equipment there is to offer so you can perform at the highest level possible. They spend hours making sure their selection of baseball bats; gloves, cleats, apparel and more are top notch in performance, quality, and durability at an affordable price. The stores that do not try very hard to please their customers are not in business very long.

In addition to bringing you the latest and best baseball gear, you'll also appreciate the fanatical customer service you'll receive in most all-good stores. A fully trained staff that is up on every piece of baseball equipment offered in their store is a must.

Baseball is a fun and exciting game to watch or play and now is the time to participate...lets play ball.
William Smith lives in Florida with his wife and three cats. William writes frequently on many subjects that may be of interest to all. Discover all the joys and secrets of baseball at Baseball's Holy Grail

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/baseball-articles/information-for-the-finest-baseball-equipment-19654.html

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Base Running Drills For the Whole Team


Base Running Drills For the Whole Team
By Chris Campbell

Of all the skills required to be a good baseball player, one of the most neglected and exciting is that of base runner. Just because most players already know how to run before they become a player doesn't mean there are finer aspects of base running to be worked on.

One of the tricky things about baseball drills, and running drills in particular, is the fact that there are multiple players on the field at a time. It requires a little bit more coordination, to keep every one in the mix, and active.

You'll need a minimum of 3 players to start this base running drill. Start one at home plate as a batter, and then position the second one at first base, and the third one at second base.

In addition to the players running the drill, you will need two coaches, or playing coaches to run this drill. One coach will be the hitter positioned at home plate. The other coach will go to third base coaching area. No one is playing fielder, so we'll pretend, that all ground balls and fly balls are single hits.

Depending on whether the coach hits a fly ball, or a grounder, will determine how the runners react. A ground ball will cause the player at home plate to sprint full out for first base. A fly ball, will have him run a little slower, but approach first base, as if he was heading on to second.

Just like the player starting at home, the player starting at first base has a few options. On a ground ball, he will make a bee line for second base. However, if a fly ball is hit then he will run to second, and then go for third only if the third base coach tells him to do so.

Here the drill basically repeats itself for the runner positioned on second base. On a fly ball, he will always run to third, and potentially run home depending on what the third base coach instructs. On a ground ball he will of course always run to third and stop.

After the first drill is run, it is possible that you may have a runner waiting on third base. They as well have to make a choice. On a ground ball, when no other player is waiting on second base, the third base coach will direct the runner as to where to go.

In order to keep things interesting for the players, keep this drill moving. There's no reason to be standing around much.

Be sure to visit the Base Running Drills website and learn how to improve your base running.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Campbell

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Baseball Weight Training Program

If you know baseball, you know how hard the training in baseball is and how innovative it is to perform weight training which is incorporated in a baseball training program, you would know how effective this training is in competitions. There are a number of persons though who say that baseball could be a dangerous method in weight training than when you do it slow and accurately in the gym or a fitness center. Many say that most of the coaches commit serious errors that cause traumatic bodily stress or injury in a person who is into a baseball weight training program.

1. Weight training through baseball should take into consideration the limitation of players - Even slight errors in baseball training can already cause injury to an individual. The truth though is that it is not really the training that does not work but it is the coaches who do not understand fully this kind of weight training program. There are many caches of baseball players who just want to increase and increase the strength and stamina of their field players but who do not think of the limitations of these athletes. Often times, the injury comes after severe and successive training in preparation for the upcoming competition. Least they know that their players are already over stressed and over trained.

2. Train but do not strain through overtraining. You should know that overtraining is not good because it not only causes injuries and severe muscle damages on the body but likewise, it defeats the very purpose of an exercise. You should know that like ordinary weight training exercises, the baseball weight training program should observe the same basic principles in weight training such as rest. Rest is as important as exercise and progression. In fact, you cannot progress if your body can no longer tolerate the load that you are putting on it. Challenge is a lot different from damage and that is what you want to avoid.

3. Incorporate variations in the training program. There have be variation in the types of routines that you do and in the intensity of the routines. It would be better to incorporate other exercises that similarly work to strengthen your muscles. Say for example, basketball routines may be incorporated in the baseball routines in order to enhance the flexibility of the body which is much required in the baseball game. There has to be variations as to the speed of your routines in the program. This is one form in which the progression principle can be incorporated in the program.

4. Force = Mass x Acceleration Principle in baseball - Lastly, you should know that the most important aspect in the weight training program in baseball is the force produced. Aside from the strength of the leg muscles and the hand and leg coordination, the program also develops extreme force particularly when one swings the baseball bat. Imagine what huge force you need in order to swing a bat at 90 mph. The very reason why most coaches incorporate weight training in baseball is because force requires mass times acceleration. The acceleration is defined as the speed at which the bar is moved while the mass is the weight on the bar.

This explains exactly how a baseball weight training program will help you achieve - greater force.

Want to get stronger, Faster? for more weight training articles, tips and a FREE Newsletter: Weight Training for Baseball

Monday, July 13, 2009

Baseball - Ball Hitting Tips For Kids

By Sameep Shah

Like a lot of other things in life you tend to get better at those which you do regularly. It is the same with baseball game and you can get perfect with baseball hitting. Therefore the best baseball hitting advice for kids or anyone can be practice and keep practicing. It is said that Mickey Mantle the professional baseball player is said to swing the bat nearly 100 times in a day left handed and the same when right handed. However, there are some modern day professionals who swing the bat nearly 500 to 1000 times in a day. This is a basic strategy that works for lot of professionals and can also work for you.

There are some tips for helping your kids achieve great baseball hitting techniques. If your child wants to learn and play baseball but they are not the best hitters then you can follow these simple instructions and tips to help your child swing the bat like a professional. The first step to take for a great swing is your stance. This means that you should strain to the player that the stance should be something that is comfortable and not something that looks best for the player of team.

There are some basic things that you should always remember when you teach your kids the basics in baseball hitting.

1. Keeping the feet shoulder width separately regardless if the child has a closed or open stance. This means the feet should always be apart from shoulder width

2. Place the bat back with your hand where it should be nearly 6 inches away from the ears and make sure you keep your elbows upright so that you can easily handle the high heaters.

3. When you stride away with your front foot make sure it is 5 to 6 inches away, you must also keep your back foot firm in the ground as it helps in gathering power to get a strong a straight swing.

4. When you are striding, you need to keep your eyes entirely focused on the ball all through its way in the box. Then firmly twist your legs and hips when also taking the bat to directly snap into the ball. Make sure you snap the bat consistently when the ball is in the box and also ensure that your child does not up cut the swing over the ball when hitting.

As always keep in the mind that practice makes perfect.

For more information visit Sportscapers University at houston youth baseball - You can also find more information and online training videos to help you improve your skills at katy youth baseball.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sameep_Shah

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Developing Muscle Memory and Built-in Mechanics

By Tim Willman
The first hitting secret that you need to learn in order to be a successful hitter is muscle memory and built-in mechanics. Imagine spending hours practicing your hitting and working your butt off only to realize you are doing a drill incorrectly the whole time.

Did you know that if you are using incorrect hitting mechanics, even just a little bit, you are reinforcing poor mechanics and making yourself an even worse hitter?

Obviously this is not what you are trying to do. The key is to perform drills that have proper mechanics already built in. That's right. Built-in mechanics and muscle memory.

You can actually perform specific drills that will force you to use the correct mechanics. During these drills, you will be able to receive feedback almost instantly if you are off... Even just a little bit.

One great thing that you can do is to practice all of your baseball swings with a wood bat. The only time an aluminum bat should be used is when you are actually playing a game.

Normally at first hitters will struggle with the transition from an aluminum bat to a wood bat. The secret is to try and do this as early as possible. Most little kids will even love to use wood bats because it's what the big-leaguers use!

With that said, it's never too early or late to start using wood. Using a wood bat teaches hitters many things including bat speed, hitting to all fields, keeping your hands inside the ball, and many more things.

If you have some time, please take a look at the resource box below.

Tim Willman is a former professional baseball player, having helped hundreds of people to easy baseball success! He's recently developed a hitting system showing you step-by-step how you can hit like a pro! To learn how to become a better hitter, visit, http://www.dynamitehitting.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_Willman

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Baseball Tips - 20 Minutes And Out


By Chico Reese

These baseball tips can maybe help you think of ways to keep your baseball training and drills productive in the off-season.

This is especially important for catchers who may have just put in a very long summer season behind the plate. Catchers have a greater number of skills that they need to practice compared to other players on the team. This can be a problem if there is a long layoff between the end of the summer season and the beginning of the High School season. The catchers now have to do a lot of training in a short time to get sharp on the throwing, blocking and footwork skills that catching requires.

It's never too early to start the catching training and drills. The trick is trying to keep a young mind and body motivated for most of the year if this is their only sport. The summer season for our team was long last year. It went right into fall ball. Some of the guys also started a conditioning program. There was not a lot of spare time left for our catchers to practice what they needed to and when I did start with them, there was a quick sense of general fatigue and I could tell the guys were "just not into it". I couldn't blame them.

I initially started getting some of the catchers' time after their conditioning, batting, tee work, etc. Bad news. I next tried to find some time for just catching drills and training...no bats. But with their busy schedule, an hour here and there still was too much. I'd hear stuff like, "You said it would only take a little bit last time and we were still there almost an hour." This in itself was the problem.

Here is the baseball tip for this article…I call this little idea, or training method, "20 Minutes And Out." I used it for catchers but obviously you can adapt the idea to anyone. The whole thing is strictly psychological, and it worked great! All I did was set a time limit…I just picked 20 minutes because I knew that I could get a ton of footwork reps done in 20 minutes. I'd only work one catcher on any given day or night and work only one type of drill in that training session, whether it was some type of footwork, blocking receiving or throwing.

I'd tell them something like, "Look, meet me at the training center and we'll do footwork only, and only for 20 minutes. Guaranteed. Twenty minutes and we're out of there. The thing is, you gotta work hard, be focused, no messing around and we'll get some good work in and leave."

Well at first, some of the catchers didn't believe me. But I did this, stuck to it and the results were great.

Sometimes they didn't even realize how fast 20 minutes would go. They'd be ready to do some more and I'd say, "Five more good ones, and we're done." And sure enough, we'd leave…no matter what. That's the key. Promise 20 minutes and get out. If they think they want to stay longer, don't. Tell them you have things to do.

Here's what I see happened and why I think it worked so well.

The time limit guaranteed an ending, always. That's big to teenagers.

As soon as the catcher saw me sticking to the 20 minute rule, he believed that he would truly be done soon and not only didn't mind going and doing the drills, he actually looked forward to it…all because he knew that it wouldn't drag out.

Since the time limit was relatively small, a catcher would really work hard in those 20 minutes and because of the "believable" guarantee he really didn't mind.

The end results were great because of the focusing on one drill each session. It was always a pretty good, intense workout and yet it wouldn't kill them. One catcher in particular improved his footwork tremendously because that's what we'd do each time. Tons and tons of reps for 20 minutes a shot. He really worked hard and got into it. Consequently, his throwing improved a great deal also.

Think about these baseball tips, try something like this and see what happens. This will make the short workout more enjoyable and at the same time you'll get a lot done. And it's all because of the "20 Minutes and Out", really. It's all psychological. Stick to the 20 minutes, no matter what. You'll be amazed how your players respond and what they can get done. You'll appreciate the short workouts too!

Chico Reese has been closely involved in youth baseball, softball and High School Baseball over the last twelve years and enjoys working with young catchers.

For excellent Catching instruction, drills, training and other valuable baseball tips, consider the following sources:

Catchers Instruction, Training and Tips


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chico_Reese


Friday, July 10, 2009

The Backyard Basketball Goal for Baseball and Softball Players

The BATACTION SELF-TRAINER™ HITTING MACHINE makes batting practice fun, entertaining, convenient and highly productive. This amazing new breakthrough in hitting technology makes batting practice so entertaining that it is often called the "Backyard Basketball Goal For Batters"! The reason for this "nickname" is that baseball and softball players love to hit as much as basketball players love to shoot. Having a hitting station in your yard 24-7 allows players to hit or practice on "impulse" when they are bored and looking for something to do. Wouldn't you rather that your player swing the bat for fun rather than play "Game Box", play "Horse" or watch TV?

The BatAction Machine provides batters with a productive and challenging workout that rapidly improves bat speed, improves hitting skill, and raises batting averages.BatAction Training Machine workouts are some of the most popular training drills baseball and softball players today. The BatAction Hitting Machine is one of the most economics ways a parent can help a player quickly improve their batting average and drastically reduce the number of strikeouts.

Available at:
Baseball Dealz Ebay Store

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Baseball Batting Drill - BatAction Training Tip from Nick Dixon, Inventor of the BatAction Hitting Machine

Baseball Batting Drill - BatAction Training Tip from Nick Dixon,
Inventor of the BatAction Hitting Machine

Just a quick note to tell you about a great "Bat Speed" drill that you can do on the BatAction Hitting Machine, the "BRING-BY BAT SPEED DRILL".

Procedure - Use your normal BatAction powerband and height settings.
Directions - The batter hits the ball as it travels by the batter from the opposite direction than normal. The batter will allow the ball to unwind between swings and the ball will be going in reverse (toward the direction of the pitcher - coming from behind the batter). The bat must keep their eyes on the ball and hit it as it passes by. The difficulty level is high because the batter must have great bat speed, hand eye coordination, and timing to proform this drill.
Procedure - The batter will hit the ball as it comes from the direction of the catcher. The batter must have good bat speed to catch the ball and hit it onward as it travels forward by the batter. This is a pure top quality bat
speed drill.
Recommended Reps - It is recommeded that you do this drill at least 3 times a week. The batter should do 3 sets of 12 swings each.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Baseball Training Videos

By Heidi Ball

What first comes to mind when you think about a baseball coach? Maybe you envision little league with one of the players Dad's as the coach, encouraging the little kids along. Maybe you see practice drills or batting cages. Or, maybe you see the fight between coach and umpire at a major league game. Most people do not associate videos with baseball coaching... but the fact is: technology wants to show up to the game field.

From warm up drills to hitting techniques, the art of improving your game has hit high tech. You can learn to hit like a pro or learn base running strategies. Everything you need to know about the game can be viewed in the privacy of your own home.

Besides learning how to be a better pitcher, basic techniques can be learned to help just about anyone's game. Training videos can help those that know nothing about the game understand it. These types of videos can be a helpful tool for coaches in all different types of leagues. The high school coach can benefit by having his team watch and then repeat drills and players can benefit by finding out more about what they should be eating and how important it is to stay hydrated.

Infield, outfield or in the batters box, important techniques are shown to benefit everyone on the team. Baseball isn't all about peanuts and cracker jacks - for some it is a serious business and being able to utilize tools such as training videos can be a real asset to many serious players.

For a great selection of baseball training videos including ones for Baseball Hitting, visit SportsRox. Heidi Ball is a freelance writer.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Heidi_Ball


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Baseball Hitting Tips - Power 10

By Joe Brockhoff

We have recorded BP efficiency and found the following results: Pops, chops, routine ground balls, and with every pitch, they try to slam it. The going rate of hard hits is 3 or 4 out of 10.

It is important that hitters take BP at a comfort level. However, it is good to finish with what we call a "Power-10" focusing on hitting the ball hard with super contact every time. Here are the guide lines:

A hitter may choose which pitches to hit. But call a strike if he takes a good pitch.


Hard Hit = 1 point

Week hit = 0 points

Swing and miss/foul/strike = -1

A hitter strives for at least 7 out of 10... (70%). That is the minimum that we strive for. If a hitter is not at that level, he needs to work for that.

In our general research, we have found that by making hitters do a Power-10 in their batting practice baseball hitting drills, hitters will strive to hit each ball well, and batting practice will be more meaningful. Players who do their Power-10 at the completion of BP have these results in their regular batting:

Efficiency at least 80%: Batting average over .400

70-80% Mid .300 batting average

Less than 70% .280 - .300 batting average

Do this with correct fundamentals against good pitching. Hitters should concentrate more on hitting the balls hard and sharply rather than hitting everything deep. Benefits will show up in their batting averages.

If time permits, players can do more than one Power-10. With these baseball batting drills, they look forward to the challenge of getting better each time.

Power-10 ... A Simple way to increase hitting performance. It will improve concentration and accuracy to the ball.

Former Tulane Hall of Fame Baseball Coach, Joe Brockhoff, fully explains his baseball hitting drills with the Super 8 Hitting System, completely demonstrated with videos and hitting drills to help you hit with more power and raise your batting average.
http://www.LearnBaseballHitting.com/lcp .

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Brockhoff


Friday, July 3, 2009

Sports Psychology and Hitting - How to Survive a Hitting Slump - Eight Simple Tips

By Jay Granat

A hitting slump has physical, psychological, emotional components to it. For the professional baseball player or the player seeking a scholarship, a slump can have significant financial and career implications.

Players, coaches, parents and agents can become quite frustrated by prolonged hitting slumps. Here are a few suggestions for managing hitting slumps.

1. Make sure you are technically and mechanically sound in the cage and in front of live pitching.

2. Keep accurate diaries and spreadsheets about pitchers who you face. Record all relevant data. Knowing what they threw you in specific situations is very helpful. Similarly, knowing how they like to pitch and how you did against them is essential information for a hitter who wants to excel at the sport of baseball. I know this record keeping seems laborious, but it will pay off with a shorter slump and a higher batting average.

3. Determine if you hit best with an empty mind or with one mental thought or idea at the plate. Most hitters do best with a simple thought or with a mind which is crystal clear and ready to allow the body to do what it is capable of doing at the plate.

4. Go back to some important basics: Keep your head very still. Don't grip the bat too tightly. Hit the ball into the gaps. Focus on the path of the ball. Utilize a ritual which allows you to feel comfortable in the batter's box. Know the strike zone very well.

5. Watch yourself on video when you are in a slump and compare this tape with a video of you when you were hitting well. You will be amazed at what you will learn from this exercise.

6. Use a new hitting coach to get a fresh outlook and a few new tips.

7. Consider a sports psychologist to help you master the mental aspects of hitting.

8. Learn how to use self-hypnosis to get your mind into a confident, focused, relaxed and optimistic state in the dugout, in the on deck circle and at the plate.

Jay P. Granat, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist and the founder of http://www.stayinthezone.com He has written several books and developed several programs to help people perform to their fullest potential at sports, at work and at school. Dr. Granat, a former university professor, has appeared in The New York Times, Good Morning America, AP, ESPN, Golf Digest, The BBC and The CBC. His books include Zone Tennis and Get Into The Zone In Just One Minute. He is also the author of How To Get Into The Zone With Sport Psychology And Self-Hypnosis, How To Lower Your Golf Score With Sport Psychology And Self-Hypnosis, 101 Ways To Break Out Of A Hitting Slump and Bed Time Stories For Young Athletes. Golf Digest named Dr. Granat one of America's Top Ten Mental Gurus. He was recently featured in a documentary film on long distance running. Dr. Granat writes a weekly column for three newspapers.

Baseball players, coaches and parents who want learn more about the psychology of hitting and breaking batting slumps should visit http://www.stayinthezone.com/baseball.htm

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jay_Granat


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Become a Better Hitter - Have a Hitting Philosophy

By Scott M. Thompson

The best way to increase your average happens before you even step in the batters box. I am not talking about your swing either. It would be way to difficult to teach somebody to swing over the internet, so this article is assuming that your coach has taught you the fundamentals of a good swing.

What I am talking about are things you can do before the game. Watch the opposing pitcher warm up. How many pitches does he throw? How hard is his fastball, curve ball, etc? Is he around the plate, up or down? Is his curve ball a 12 to 6 or more like a slider? These are the things that will help you prepare for your upcoming at bat.

The game has started, watch how the pitcher holds his glove, moves his fingers, changes his arm speed. Does he dig in his glove every time he throws a curve? Look for the slight differences between his motion and demeanor depending on the pitch he is about to throw.

Be aware of the other players in the field also, especially the catcher. Do infielders move over a step or two on off speed pitches? Does the catcher change his stance when a curve ball is coming? Do not turn your head and look where the catcher is. You can though sneak a quick peek through your peripheral vision to see if he is set up inside or outside. If the catcher is giving away the off speed pitch, come up with verbal code words with your on deck batter. First name, last name, number, something not to obvious.

Pick out the tendencies of the pitcher. Pitchers and catchers have patterns. Notice what his go to pitch is when he needs a strike, when he is going for a strikeout, when he is ahead in the count. Does he like to throw inside, outside, high, low, all these things you can pick up before you even step into the batters box.

The bottom line is, if you want to be a better hitter pay attention to details that may give you an advantage. There will be plenty of time to catch up with your buddies or play grab ass with your buddies after the game.

It's your turn to bat, you know how hard he throws, the shape of his curve, when he likes to throw the curve, and what he likes to throw on the first pitch to a new batter. The exception to this situation is if you are the lead off hitter. If you are lead off, you have a job to do. Get the pitcher to throw as many pitches as you can. Hopefully you can get him to throw them all. But at least the fastball and curve. This method should not only help you, but your teammates as well, if they pay attention.

Another key is not to think too much, but know the situation. Is there a runner on first, no outs. Look for something to hit to the right side to advance your teammate into scoring position. I can't go over every situation, but I think you get the picture. Do what works best for your coach and team philosophy.

So how do you increase your average? I believe you look for the situation that gives you the best chance for success. You have studied the pitcher, but do you know yourself?

What pitches do you hit the best? Do you like the ball inside, outside, up a little, down in the zone? Do you hit fastballs better than curve balls? I hope 95% of you said yes with the other 5% lying. Well that is the pitch you are waiting for until you have a strike. Let's say you hit the outside fastball the best. The pitcher throws a curve ball, don't swing. If it is a ball you are still looking for the outside fastball on the next pitch. The pitcher throws a fastball inside, don't swing. Cut the plate into thirds and make the ball be in your favorite third before you swing.

Something to avoid is what I call players pride. Players pride is when a batter wants to show the pitcher he can hit the pitchers best pitch. For what reason you ask, stupid pride. Yes a hitter will make contact with the ball, but is it solid contact, usually not. Along the same lines are the hitters that are so afraid to strike out they swing at anything they can reach with their bat. If you are a coach, nip both of these problems in the bud as soon as you can.

Let's say that the second pitch the pitcher threw, the fastball inside, was a strike. The count is now 1-1. Expand the zone you are going to swing at to 2/3 to 3/4 of the plate, the outside part since that was where we hit the best according to our scenario. Now you can add the hanging curve to swing at. It must be in the zone and you must be in a position to put a good swing on it, otherwise let it go. Never guess curve ball, always be ready for the fastball and adjust to the off speed stuff. Use this mentality whenever you have 1 strike and 2 balls or less. This is also the perfect time to go back to studying his tendencies. What does he usually throw with a 0-1, 1-1, or 2-1 count. Did I mention to always be ready for the fastball.

With a 3-1 count, a hitters dream count because of the percentages of knowing a fastball is coming, you are in the drivers seat. Go back to the 0 strike approach, maybe increasing the zone to half because of the probability of getting a fastball. Do NOT over swing. Do NOT be late. Put a good aggressive swing on the pitch, one that is in your ability. When you over swing you get long, slow, and probably jammed on the best pitch in baseball.

Just because it is 3-1 don't assume it is automatic you are getting a fastball. Go back to knowing the situation. What point of the game are you in, the score, runners on base, a base open, and how is the hitter behind you hitting today. The pitcher may want to avoid pitching to you and take his chances with the next batter. The opposite holds true, are there base runners on? Does the pitcher have to throw a strike? What are the tendencies?

With two strikes, your job is to put the ball in play. Do not swing at anything and everything. Stay calm, you hopefully have prepared yourself in practice. All those swings off the tee, all the batting practice swings, you know where the head of your bat is. Have confidence in your abilities. You can put the bat on the ball.

Always be ready for the fastball, I don't know how many times I have said that already, but if you only go away with one thing, you guessed it, always be ready for the fastball. What are the tendencies with 0-2. Does he waste a pitch to see if you will chase? Does he set you up with up and in before he goes low and away? You should already know these things and expect them.

With 2 strikes we go to a defensive mode. We expand the plate 2-3 inches on each side as well as up and down. Cut your swing down to a more controllable swing. Whatever it takes to foul off pitches or put the ball in play. It is a good idea to practice this zone in batting practice for about 8-10 pitches. The idea is to protect the plate. Anything close to the plate, you need to swing. Do not leave it up to the umpire, he gets paid by the out not the hour.

That is a good point to bring up when we talk about umpires. You need to know the umpire's zone that day. Does he love to ring people up? Does he reward the pitcher for making good pitches just off the plate but not in the strike zone? Is he consistent? If any of these answers give you doubt, swing at anything close.

Don't give in. Be what they call a tough out. Somebody that battles and wears a pitcher down. Take pride in not striking out. Anything can happen when the ball is in play. At the very least make the pitcher throw as many pitches as you can.

In the event the pitcher does get the better of you and strikes you out. Tip your hat and say you got me this time. I may not have won the battle but I am going to win the war. I know how you pitch, I've seen you before, you got me once it won't happen again. Keep your confidence. Don't let 1 at bat change your philosophy or your approach to hitting.

In closing I would just like to stress the importance of self evaluation. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Look for opportunities to use your strengths. Know the situation you are in at all times. Have a keen sense for details. Anything that may give you an edge. Prepare yourself in practice. Challenge yourself, don't just go through the motions and think you are going to get better. The harder you work the more confidence you acquire. The more confidence you acquire, the better player you will become. The saying goes baseball is 90% mental.

Have faith in your philosophy. And last but not least be ready for the fastball !!!

Good Luck

Find other baseball topics from equipment to tee-ball drills at http://baseball-depot.webs.com/

The Season Starts HERE

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Scott_M._Thompson